Development environment

I let the log here: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer
Hope it helps!
Thanks in advance.

The engineers are looking into this log. Will get back to you as soon as we find anything.

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It turns out the server, Nebula, stopped when you launched the client app(t22335f1_1). Perhaps you didn’t wear the glasses when you conducted the test? If so, you need to cover the psensor to prevent the glasses from entering a dormant state.

That was one of the tests, but it is happening the same. If I try to launch app from devices home screen, it crashes. If I try to launch within Nebula, release application crashes and development application says that “this app is not compatible with this device”.
There is nothing else in the log to clarify why it works in your device but not in my S23 (that is new device bought to test glasses)
Thanks in advance.