3D mode, the image is reversed

Hello everyone,
i am using xreal air 2 glasses and ipad pro m1, When i turn on 3D mode by pressing and holding the brightness button for 3 seconds, the image in the right eye displays on the left and the image on the left eye displays on the right Right. Is there any way to fix this situation?

Uploading: right.jpg…
Image shown on right eye

Hi, the 3D mode is only suitable for 3D SBS content which is 3840*1080. If not, the 2D image will be split to two lenses.

On Windows I use Stereoscopic Player to play back 3D content. That allows me to select which image appears left and which one right. It can also scale images to the correct aspect ratio.

It depends on the Player. Most of the players cannot allow users to select which image is put to the left or right.

I use Bino 3d Player and it works great for all the different modes. I connect the glasses to the usb c port on my computer and play all the movies from Bino software.

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I tried that one, too, it works. But then I gave VLC another try and all of a sudden that worked, too.

Mostly I had to make the glasses the only active screen, otherwise switching to 3D mode via the button on the glasses had Windows cycle the screen setup and that had the glasses go out of 3D mode again…