3d player that works

Since i have not seen anyone else post about it, thought I’d share. An app based on VLC and will play 3d correctly for your phone. I can confirm it works for nreal air. Its called into3d in the app store, also is called VLC3D and is available for android. I do not know if is coming to apple.

Also it is said to work with 3d on youtube, but i have not tried it yet.

Hi, thanks for your feedback. Could you please tell me if the ‘into3d’ is on Mac?

It does not appear to. However the author is the one who posted this on reddit. He could answer it for sure. All I know is it works very well. Loaded several movies, one mp4, and several mkv’s and they all worked, had good 3d and sound (which most players have problems with mkv’s sound). Link for reddit post below.