About the General category

General discussion and feedback around XREAL. E.g. XREAL development ideas, business cooperation, experiences, opportunities.

This is a place to discuss the general topics around XREAL. You could talk about your experience, questions, and feedbacks. We hope this forum will be place for you to learn and to share. In order to improve the user experience, we will look here frequently to collect feedbacks and answer questions.

Sign up to become XREAL developer:https://auth.global.nreal.ai/u/signup/identifier?state=hKFo2SBuY2RRSkc5SXU1Y2RkZU5PelV3eXdBUTVENjg5R211bKFur3VuaXZlcnNhbC1sb2dpbqN0aWTZIENNMDJPUWpNeUhzLWEzM2szQlBKTHlHOTE3NVFNeVV6o2NpZNkgbWQzc0F0MWNaZGtGTFVxbkl1M0U1YzZ1TFA2YTdQUUY

For more info, please visit:https://www.nreal.ai/.

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