About the XREAL Dev Kit category

Discussion about the XREAL Dev Kit and challenges you may encounter.

This is a place to discuss the XREAL Dev Kit and relevant topics. You could talk about your experience, questions, and feedbacks. We hope this forum will be place for you to learn and to share. In order to improve the user experience, we will look here frequently to collect feedbacks and answer questions.

What is XREAL Dev Kit?

XREAL Dev Kit personifies the robustness and ease of integrating XREAL’s products with the NRSDK into a developer’s vision and applications.

For more information, please visit: Introducing NRSDK — NRSDK 1.6.0 documentation
& https://developer.nreal.ai/dev-kit

Order your Dev Kit now:https://developer.nreal.ai/dev-kit

I heared some rumours about hardware being developed to supplement/replace a smart phone.
It would be very nice if the thingie will get GPS abilities…
Harald Heide Gundersen