Air 2 Pro Display issue with legion go

I started using the air pro 2 connected directly to a legion go. Originally there was no issue but I ended up changing the resolution of the legion go through its dedicated performance button. This caused the air to display everything incorrectly. now everything is turned 90 degrees. I have unplugged the glasses and restarted the legion go. When using the beam it functions properly but there is too much input lag to be acceptable for the games I am playing. Any idea how to fix this?

Thank you

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Hi, I recommend you turn off the Depth Control function on Beam for the non-high refresh rate gaming experience. For some high FPS games, please use the direct connection of the Air 2 Pro. About the display issue under direct connection, maybe you can check with the Lenovo support and confirm if the Legion go supports different resolutions.

I am having the same issue. Anyone have any feedback or suggestions please?