Android productivity feature request: Mouse/keyboard support

First, thanks for the great product and all the visible work I see on your Nebula product development.

My scenario - I purchased my XReal Air in hopes of being a productivity tool for work… Virtual multi-monitor support for my work activities while sitting in a coffee shop sounds pretty attractive. My team is all interested in seeing this work and being able to work effectively from their phones and this would be a big step. But the missing piece: keyboard and mouse support in Nebula Android.

As is, to do anything other than reviewing web screens requires intense mobile phone interactions which makes Nebula less productive than using the phone alone. I know the underlying OS supports keyboard and mouse quite well, but Nebula forces me to pick up the phone. I have Nebula Mac as well but am having different issues there… but regardless, actual work productivity from a phone with a private virtual display would be amazing.

If the appropriate codebase is available on GitHub, I’m willing to investigate and see if I can implement a fix/PR. (I assume the code is private, but thought I’d ask.) Thank you!

Hi, thank you for your feedback and suggestions. We are constantly focused on enhancing the interaction experience for Android Nebula. Currently, the challenge with mouse and keyboard support is integrating the raycast with the mouse in AR Space. We are committed to exploring new methods to incorporate mouse and keyboard support.

Im just bumping up this article. The main thing I would like to use the Xreal for is productivity. As a developer remote accessing a machine is a must. Im currently writing using remote desktop through chrome on my xreal device.

Im with dmm, opening the ecosystem to developers would be great. Especially with supporting legacy applications such as beam 1 and nebula for android (assuming developer will slow with the introduction of bream pro)

A easy way to implement mouse ray casting is to map the movement to sphere around the headsets origin, ray casting out from the sphere’s normal in a similar fashion to the controller.

Or like a previous comment even locking to a browser window would be great.

I know the developer have a lot on their plates and you all have done a great job so far. Just consider opening up the platform a little more.

Hi developer,
thank you for the suggestion!
Actually, Beam Pro already supports keyboard, mouse, and even game controllers.

Thanks for the quick reply!
I saw that beam 2 supports it which is good! Glad to see some focus on productivity.
However I just bought the beam 1 last week (so I don’t get the 50$ off) and don’t want to lose the display port passthrough with a return of the product (to justify another 250$ on beam pro). As well I am honestly waffling on the whole product line due to lack of sdk support for windows and seeing posts from over a year ago saying it will be released soon.

A product roadmap would be great to understand what’s on priority and what products/applications are being sunset. For instance, I noticed most of the games on nebula in the google play store don’t work anymore.

Is there any future updates planned for nebula on android? or should I look to develop exclusively for beam pro?

Thank you for sharing your concerns.

Previously, we invested significant resources to ensure compatibility with various Android devices. Despite our efforts, we encountered numerous user reports about their devices being incompatible, often because they were not on our list of supported devices. As a result, we have decided to focus on our own hardware, specifically the Beam Pro. Consequently, updates for Nebula on Android will be paused.

Regarding the games that were previously available on Nebula but are now non-functional, we are actively reaching out to third-party developers to update their SDKs for compatibility with Beam Pro.

If you are a developer, we recommend focusing on Beam Pro. The challenges we face with Windows compatibility are similar—there are limitations due to the variety of chipsets and PC brands. While there might be other reasons for the delay in Windows Nebula release, this is a significant factor.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you for the transparency! I totally understand the limitations with compatibility.

Its sad to see the focus on the nebula app and sdk support being limited, though I understand the reasoning now. I recommend moving these applications to open source so the community can keep them alive. As well making public statements on the roadmap for where the company goals are headed.

I will look to develop for the beam pro then.

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Making public statements on the roadmap isn’t something I can decide, but I will definitely share your feedback with the internal team. Thank you for your continued support and interest.