Any way to disable Device Check

I ordered my glasses thinking that I could disable the device check which could be done in I believe v2.0.1 of the Nebula App. My own fault as I knew my device wasn’t supported, however I’m just at the edge of renewing my contract (2 months to go).

I have noticed in the latest version of the app that developer mode can be enabled by clicking on the icon in the about menu 10 times similar to version 2.0.1 however there is no option to disable the device check. Is there any way around this?

Thanks for reading, and apologies if this is a recurring question.

Hi Developer, I’m sorry that the function of ‘Disable the device check’ was already removed from Nebula, and if your device is not compatible, then please find a compatible one. Really sorry about it. Or you can try to download Nebula from the following link and check if you can use it.

Many thanks for your reply, I’ll order a new phone. :slight_smile: