Asking for hand tracking with Unity NRSDK 1.7

I noticed that it has hand tracking feature on NRSDK 1.7.
So i tried with Unity 2020.3.6 by importing NRSDK 1.7.
There are several sample scenes including hand tracking scene, but when i build apk with that, the app not loading on my NReal Light Glass.
It is working when i build apk with NRSDK 1.4.8.
Please answer me how can i fix that and check the hand tracking feature.
Thank you.

Hi, @best.ar25

Can you send what scene are you building?

I was able to use NRSDK 1.7.0 on the Unity version 2020.3.6f1. I suggest some actions in case you didn’t any of them:

  • Check if the scene that you are building on the Build pop up is the correct scene;
  • Check if your NReal is with SW updated
  • Check if the configurations on Project Settings > player settings > Other Settings are ok for NReal

I found the solution.
Now, it is working as i imported MRTK and NRHandTracking package on the project.
Is there other way to make the app working without above 2 packages?

Great that you solved it!
I think that ii=sn`t possible since NRHandtracking is the one responsable for the Hand tracking feature for NReal and the MRTK is the one who combine the NRSDK with MRTK features…

One more question.
Is it possible to integrate clicking event on Canvas Button with Hand tracking?