Black screen with cursor - Nebula for Mac 0.2.0

I have tested Nebula for Mac 0.1.0 and 0.2.0 on my Mac mini M1 Monterey with no success.
I only see black screen and the cursor. What am I doing wrong?

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Hi, could you please try to connect a physical screen first through one Type-C interface, then connect the glass to another type-C port?

Hi,you need two steps ,I had same problem
first, you should connect one display to Mac mini 1(though by HDMI port)
second ,you should connect the Nreal Air to Mac mini (though by Type-c port)
tip:Don’t disconnect the display with Mac. Mini

Hi, thank you lawliteriverdeath :wink:
For a Mac mini it is necessary to have hdmi monitor connected while using Nebula.

Hope that one day I will be able to use Nebula with Mac mini as a portable computer
without carring hdmi monitor.

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I am having a similiar issue with Nebula 0.2.0 on my Macbook M1 Pro, Ventura (13.0.1)

Nebula for Mac 0.1.0 worked (with extreme jitter), but Nebula for Mac 0.2.0 is only showing me a black screen with a cursor. If I go to the top of the black screen and minimize the Nebula window, I can then see a headtracked window inside the small screen. It seems that Nebula is not properly rendering/showing anything when it is in fullscreen on the virtual monitor.

I noticed it too,It rendering two eyes view by use one long fullscreen, only my guess, not confirmed

Hi, could you please try to remove the 0.1.0 Mac Nebula first, then install the 0.2.0 version? Also, I wondered if the firmware of glass was updated when you connected to V0.2.0?

I have similar issue on M1 MAC pro, after launching the app, i get prompted to select the number of screens and distance, after that this what i see.

here are versions i am running
nebula version 0.2.0 (931)
osx ventura : 13.1 (22C65)
nreal air firmware: air_07.1.01.192_20221022

refer to the image below

I have similar problem. Downloaded Nebula 0.2.1. Have MacBook Pro (M1 Pro). Running Ventura 13.3.

If I plug in the glasses I can see the laptop screen mirrored in it. When I run Nebula and click “Start AR Desktop” the glasses stopped showing anything and the nebula app just has a spinner.

I made sure that Screen recording and Camera permissions is granted.

I do see some errors in the console log but don’t know what it means

The complete log is too big to post here but here is the errors:
error 09:05:32.130481+0200 kernel Nebula@(null): AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: failed to open USB2.0 Hub@02100000: provider is already opened for exclusive access by AppleUSB20Hub

error 09:06:08.009051+0200 Nebula No error handler for XPC error:

error 09:06:08.245678+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 385-350-8639 (target:[app<>:3447])
error 09:06:08.245724+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 385-378-8637 (target:[app<>:3447])
error 09:06:08.245757+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 385-323-8518 (target:[app<>:3447])
error 09:06:08.245786+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 385-378-8640 (target:[app<>:3447])
error 09:06:08.245815+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 385-378-8638 (target:[app<>:3447])
error 09:06:15.933554+0200 tccd Prompting policy for hardened runtime; service: kTCCServiceMicrophone requires entitlement but it is missing for requesting={TCCDProcess: identifier=ai.nreal.nebula.mac, pid=3482, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/Nebula for},
default 09:06:15.935436+0200 tccd AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=409.223, attribution={accessing={TCCDProcess: identifier=ai.nreal.nebula.mac, pid=3482, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Applications/Nebula for}, requesting={TCCDProcess:, pid=380, auid=0, euid=0, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/Support/tccd}, },

error 09:06:15.949562+0200 Nebula AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x600001e80960> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46

error 09:06:19.181372+0200 kernel Nebula@(null): AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: failed to open USB2.0 Hub@02100000: provider is already opened for exclusive access by AppleUSB20Hub
error 09:06:19.181691+0200 kernel Nebula@(null): AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: failed to open USB Camera-OV580@02110000: provider is already opened for exclusive access by pid 3482, Nebula
error 09:07:36.055022+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 385-350-8787 (target:[app<>:3482])
error 09:07:36.055064+0200 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item 385-378-8786 (target:[app<>:3482])

I did some more searching. When the Nebula app gets compiled there are 2 entitlements that is not listed in your entitlement plist file that is required for the app/libraries in app.

I hope that by adding these 2 entitlements the app will work for MaxOs 13.3.

After you gave the permission, please try to reboot your Mac and open Nebula again.

Yes I did. Once I rebooted with glasses still plugged in. And also tried rebooting with glasses unplugged and then plugged in after reboot. Both times Nebula still fails to work.

I was able to get my glasses connected to my phone and the firmware updated from the phone. After that my Mac Nebula is working as expected. :slight_smile:

I experienced this today with the latest beta app (nebula_for_mac_0.2.2_939_20230417110730_release.dmg) … ANyone has different versions or link to different one that may work?

I’m on Ventura 13.4 M1 machine … When the AR desktop runs, i see a black screen + cursor - If i open app launcher, i actuall can see the app launcher on both my Mac screen and my nreal air and AR 3DoF works just fine … Really frustrating that i just can’t seem to see any other applications… This would be such a sweet setup when i travel on plane and need 3 screens for work! Dev, please try installing it on Ventura 13.4 and see if it works for you!

I take this back … Looking at the forum i finally found the answer - I needed this setting enabled


everything works now - it took sometime to fiddle with the app (it still gave me a blackout at the beginning but nebula ended up as an extended display and not displaying correctly what the nebula app tries to show… I switched the port, switch back to just 1 desktop then 2, then 3 … then everything works … Love it now … the fuzziness when you turn your head does need some adjusting too and I need to remind myself constantly to blink to not get dry eyes but this is just what i wanted! 3 screen at my disposal everywhere!

Note: I also went through the whole update firmware process: XREAL Air - Firmware update


Sam’s the man. You saved me a lot of heartache brother. Worked like a charm! I thought I was screwed by updating to .6 Nebula with my Xreal 1. Figured it was a screen frequency issue since 72/90 are listed and it usually defaults to 60 (though can get 120).

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Thank Sam, it worked !