Bluetooth headphones connection override by nreal glasses

proud owner of these awesome glasses since 2 days.
only thing i run into is that my bluetooth connection with the headphones is overtaken as soon as i plug my glasses in the phone. (Onexplus pro 5g) tried with several different headsets…same result.
on my iPhone the bluetooth connection works properly.
any help is appreciated.

Hi, it is determined by the phone system. Our glass works as a wired earphone. If the system takes the wired connections as the highest priority, then the Bluetooth connection cannot pull the audio. But you can also try to different connection order, for example, connecting the Bluetooth first.

Just tried another order of connecting…it worked!!!thanx a million!!:pray:

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I am having the same issue too, if I switch to the AR mode by mistake late at night, the bootup sound comes out of the glasses even though the phone was already connected to my headphones and I was watching and listening to something right before it. So just to clarify, the connection order that you are talking about it, is it an option on the phone that I can change? I have a Note20 Ult by the way.
Thank you

Hi, it is determined by your system. You can check the phone model online and see if there is any setting that allows users to switch the audio output. But according to my experience, most of the Android phones take wire connection as the highest priority for audio output.