Hi, I’m working with a second dev kit I bought off eBay and this one is the older red 45Gb dev kit (with the black glasses). Is it possible to receive access to the 1014 update (or higher) for the 45G version since the red dev kit never finds a new update (and hasn’t been updated in years)? Much appreciated.
Could you please try to click the ‘update’ app and upgrade the current system version?
Thanks for your reply. I have already tried this, both in the nreal launcher (no new updates found) and in the scrcpy android screen with “Nreal Light Update” app (which just shows a black screen and has no network activity shown on wifi router). I have set up and confirmed wifi is working. The version of nreal launcher is also very old, so old that it does not have the quick install option found in my other nreal dev kit. Hence my desire to update it.
Have you ever tried the QFIL tool that you used before?
Yes and it was successful with the 64gb unit but since earlier in this topic thread I was asked if I have the 64gb, and this red devkit is 45gb,i thought I might brick the unit if I used the wrong files. Are you saying I can use the same 64gb files that I was given earlier?
Hi, seems we don’t have this kind of storage for dev kit. Could you please show me the Setting page of your device?
Ah. You are right, very sorry. I saw the 45gb capacity in Windows when I connected it and forgot that of course it has a partition for the OS that I cannot see. It is 64gb and I’ll just repeat the procedure I did for the other dev kit last year. Thank you for the help!