Can xreal or someone please do a proper compatibility list

ive just managed to buy a new nreal/xreal light for relatively cheap new boxed and sealed im waiting for the import tax and uk vat to be sent my way before i get the device what id like to know is exactly which phones support the latest 2024 release of nebula and which phone allow access to all features including dex for any compatible samsung models the reason ive posted this is because info on supported devices is thin and uninformative i want a phone that can do hand tracking depth meshing and all the other features of the light and i would also like to run dex on them so i can use the glasses with audio evolution and occassionall play a round of cod mobile (this last bit isnt important tbf) id like to have a definitive list as i assume would others as to which devices are compatible with which glasses and all the features active and not active on particular devices as last nebula ran on samsung s20 but the most recent compatibility list states s20 only support air air 2 and air 2 pro no mention of light although previously supported and no mention of ultra ive had my eyes on xreal for a while but couldnt justify them due to wat seems to be very lacklustre support from xreal come on xreal get with the program as it stands you have the most practical and affordable ar headset on the market ignoring us the budding developers in favour of chasing progress of devices how about you iterate new devices while maintaining ability to develop on prior hardware as its great having these new released ultra but if your previous interaction with developers during the lights lifespan says to me you are not focusing on what really matters which is the eco system the applications work on the fact i can develop for ultra using lights is amazing as if i be honest had i not stumbled on a few bnib sealed xreal lights i highly doubt i would have bought into the ultra at rrp due to the lack of support for devs if xreal iterate devices and make sure older devices can be used to program the newer releases then with a bit more developer support xreal really could be onto a winner but ill say it straight if i hadnt gotten the lights for 250 euro plus import tax and uk vat when it hits me i doubt solely based on how little developer support and feedback from the company i doubt i would have bought into xreal ultra basically because xreal drop the goods then abandon the developers i was umming and arring about the lights as im trying to build a home based 48 syncronised camera volumetric capture stage at home in my bedroom and need to buy the time code sync units before i cant get them anymore but upon doing my research i found just a few weeks back that the new sdk supports light still and air 1 and that support for ultra has been added for me that was the clincher i thought yes i can develop for the new devices using the lights still so they aint dead ill be honest though after doing all my research i can assure you that mainly due to financial budgets i wouldnt have bought ultra until they were nearing end of life and at least half the rrp they are currently thanks to xreals continued support of the light in the sdk i opted in with the sole intention of developing content so come on xreal get with it on the developer interaction front it might be you guys who make the devices but its us the devs and what we create that determines the devices usefulness i can see the potential having owned magic leap one which sadly becomes a brick until hopefully some clever hacker can bring it back to life get with it unreal it really doesnt matter how many variants of glasses you release if you want to really crack the xr space you need developers and developers need you we can help each other so much but if you really want to be at the forefront with future devices please ensure the older devices can be used to develop for the newer one at least until their is a major hardware change that forces a ground up rewrite of the sdk and nebula if you iterate as you are help us developers get the best out of the devices we have and continue to support older left behind devices at least for development purposes then you could come out top 5 but if like me developers are unsure because of your lack of presence and the random posts ive come across saying xreal dump the glasses then dump the developers as well you must realise it is a symbiotic relationship without xreal there is no glasses but without developers there is no reason for anyone to buy those glasses you have jumped a few years ahead of the curve my laymans advice to xreal is focus on the sdk and nebula and deticate a person with the knowledge to regularly liase with developers as without developer support you are just a good idea and i personally have not been convinced by initial developer support for light which based on the lack of information available online wouldnt have convinced me that 699 on ultra would be buying anything more than an undersupported developer platform which is what i believe light and ultra are if xreal want ultra to take off they need to support the developers as if they do to us light and ultra users what they have so far i can see the next iteration being an absolute flop and currently xreal have the cheapest ar headset on the market but no steam vr support no real webxr support for non business users and no openxr ill wrap up by saying this what are you doing xreal webxr support could be added by simply deploying wolvic browser which is free and open source and fully webxr compatible no steam vr support was missing a trick id happilly pay for two tracked controllers to use my xreal lights with blenderXR for my 3d modeling and animation and no openxr support is just dumb in todays world webxr openxr and steam vr support even with 3rd party 6dof controllers should be standard and for me the lack of proper webxr support open xr and steam vr would normally be a deal breaker for me but having got the lights for im hoping about 350 all in plus a compaitble phone that will allow me access to all features i might even have a crack at implementing webxr as im just restarting my learning journey and have chosen aframe and webxr three.js and html css and javascript as my new tool chain not having native webxr support means i wont officially be able to support xreal due to lack of non business customer access to webxr with the free and opensource wolvic browser i think you are really missing a trick there and now after my long rant can we please xreal have a comprehensive list of what devices work and what features are usable on that device including dex im gutted that samsung s20+ says its no longer supporting the light which is a shame cuz i was intending on using the depth meshing of the xreal light along with the depth camera of the samsung s20 i was intending on developing a photogrametry app that uses both the depth meshing of the glasses as well as the samsung tof sensor but from what i can tell s20+ isnt no longer supported by xreal light i think the first thing you need to do nreal is give us a diffinitive list of what works with what as in features hand tracking depth meshing and even using the glasses just to use samsung dex please read and understand this xreal the market aint set to explode till i reckon 2030 before xr really hits the mainstream you guys are well poised to be in the top 5 as you are currently but if you continue to be lacklustre towards developers only the rich kids who will quickly drop you for the next big thing because they have the money will continue to support you as i said i had my eyes on the lights from day dot but after finding out my 2500 quid magic leap one is less useful than toilet paper unless someone hacks it back to life after it bricks this December forever im not in a hurry to be buying into new tech especially like how i am using my state disability benefits to stay as current as i can the main thank you though is your continued support of the light in the sdk and new nebula version that was a smart move cuz it convinced me to take the plunge on a cheap pair of light had the light been left behind im unsure as to whether i would have bought into xreal due to lack of developer support given time and maybe a rerelease of the lights under another name cheaper than the ultra even though due to rgb camera actually better speced for ar than the ultra ultra loocks nice but as far as i can see it adds nothing new to the light and in my book apart from the optics its more of a sidegrade than a light successor imo if i had to chose between lights and ultra id buy lights for right price used and ultra at rrp ill leave for those who can afford to buy prototype headsets that get neglected after release do a better job convince me while on this xreal development journey that you guys are serious about supporting developers into the future to develop the ecosystem and the sdk if you put more effort into supporting developers ill commit now to buying you next release but as it stands looking in i wouldnt be happy paying rrp for ultra after seeing the lack of developer support online like i said i only bought the light because they can be used to develop for ultra as had i had to pay ultra prices on my budget id have passed and gone with zapbox only reason i went with xreal light over zapbox is that zapbox are yet to implement webxr they have a toolchain which signals webxr is coming but ive seen this coming soon never to a device near you before so ill wait on zapbox until they implement web xr. and now im going to curl up under a rock and await my no punctuation reprimand my apologies im a lazy typist unless im coding

Thank you for your detailed feedback! You can find a list of compatible devices for the Xreal Light and Ultra on this page. Given the variety of Android devices, we’ve invested significant resources and effort in testing each SDK release. The devices listed on the page have been verified for compatibility with SDK 2.2.x, Nebula 3.8.0, Ultra/Light, and other Air series glasses.

For developer-related information, please refer to our developer documentation, which provides detailed information and support. We will continue to work on improving the developer experience. Thank you very much for your support and suggestions!

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you are most welcome id like to see xreal last thats why ive said these things :slight_smile:

Understood, thank you again!