CloudXR Support

Hi, there was an announcement during the week with this image:

In the bottom right corner it suggests there will be support for CloudXR. Can anyone shed any more light on this? Does anyone know when CloudXR will be supported?

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From when is this screenshot? I can’t find it on their page. And I don’t think you will get any answers here in time. Most features, which are only announced, “can” become real. If they are ready to release a feature, they will announce it, but mostly won’t provide any information about it beforehand.

Hi @jan thanks for your reply. I was made aware of the post two days ago. But looking for it now I can’t find it on any of their social media accounts. Not sure why. Would be very helpful to know if it is a long term goal or something that we might expect in the shorter term.

Unfortunate that you cannot find it anymore. But I would not be suprised if they do. That, but also a semi confirmation of OpenXR support, which would greatly enhance the compatability between different headsets.
Lets hope they manage to keep up with the promises


Hi, may I know what you primarily want to do with CloudXR.

As far as I know, it needs both a functional client and a Nvidia server-side installation package to work. This doesn’t seem very convenient for non-developer users especially when the Nvidia package requries an active Nvidia developer account.