Connecting compute unit to computer?

The Quickstart for Android mentions: “A USB-C cable to connect the Nreal computing unit to your PC.”

However, I connected the glasses to the compute unit via the USB-C port. I only have a Micro USB port left on the compute unit - do I use this to connect the compute unit to the computer?


You cannot connect the glasses to the compute unit at the same time as a computer. The USB-C port serves both - so you can only do one at a time.

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If you need to use the computer and the glasses at the same time, you can do so via wifi using scrcpy. First connect the computing unit to your PC, run scrcpy in USB mode to get the IP address of the computing unit, then restart scrcpy in TCP/IP mode (so that your PC is connected to the computing unit wirelessly), and then connect the glasses to the computing unit using the USB-C port.

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I have just received the glasses.
I tried to connect it to my laptop but only the voice worked. I logged in Nreal Air - Activation and did every thing but still didn’t work

Please help me

Hi, developer. Please tell me the specific model of your PC. I’m afraid that your PC doesn’t support DP.