Dev kit post-launch changes

Ordered a nreal dev kit just after the verizon launch, due to a desire to work on standalone experiences via the android compute unit, rather than tethered ones. My package arrived today without a controller or compute unit, and I see now that, even though the compute unit is described throughout the documentation, and is shown in the images on then developer portal, links to order the dev kit now take. you to a package without these components.

Is this intentional? Is there no way to buy the compute unit or controller at this time?

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I did exactly the same thing and I’m now left wondering the same thing. I’m sitting here with anxiety about opening the box and being stuck with something I can’t use for development. Did you ever get any response?

Digging more I’ve found this: Consumer Nreal Light from Korea, will I be able to use it in developer mode with Nebula 2 in the US - #10 by eagleeyez