Display rendering bug in NRSDK 1.9.3?

Using NReal Light:

I have a post-processing effect that draws a circle in each corner of the screen. After switching from NRSDK 1.8.0 to 1.9.3 I notice that these circles get partially “cropped”, as if the screen is slightly zoomed in. The problem disappears if I switch back to 1.8.0.

I also notice that NRDSK 1.9.3 is creating render textures slightly larger than the dimension of the screen (see below).

This must be a bug, right?

NRSDK v1.8.0:
08-25 20:27:17.089: I/Unity(24092): [Info][CreateRenderTextures] Resolution :width:1920 height:1080

NRSDK v1.9.3:
08-25 20:17:08.769: I/Unity(22804): [Info][CreateRenderTextures] Resolution :width:1968 height:1134

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Thanks for your feedback, we will release a new version to fix this problem(probably 2 weeks later).

Thank you. The 1.9.3 update looks great.

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