Does This WebXR Samples Page Work in Air 2 Ultra?

Hi, would like this answering by xreal or someone with a pair of Air 2 Ultras and a Samsung Galaxy S23 or S22 please:

If you go to this WebXR samples page with a Samsung Galaxy S23: WebXR - Samples I expect it says that VR and AR are supported?

If you click on Immersive AR Session and use your glasses, does it work (you see the planets in your real world) and can you walk around the planets (6DOF)?

I need this confirming before I can buy.

Many thanks.


in our SDK demo, it is possible to use this sample. However, accessing WebXR requires support from a compatible spatial browser. Currently, the spatial browser included in Nebula does not support WebXR, so it is likely difficult to achieve your requirement.

Hi Dorix, thanks for the answer.

This is really disappointing because nearly 3 years ago I was told "Yes, webXR is definitely on Nreal’s roadmap and is supposed to be supported in the upcoming releases of Nebula.

Thank you!"

In fact, this forum is littered with people asking about WebXR support.

In June 2023 we were told Nebula does support WebXR:


“Hi, our current Browser in Nebula does support WebXR.”

Could you please clarify with more detail - I assume I just don’t quite understand the details?

Many thanks.

Previously, there was indeed a version of the browser in Nebula that supported WebXR, which I recall being available in a version from around 2021. However, many WebXR applications require dual controllers, while our glasses connect to a phone as a controller, which only provides one controller. This led to a suboptimal experience for many applications, so the Nebula team decided to remove this functionality and ceased its maintenance.

I have forwarded your feedback to the product team to see if there are any plans to revisit and potentially reintroduce this feature in the future.

Thank you for your understanding.

I see. Thanks very much for the explanation @Dorix
Would be good to get it working again - I think there are some standard OpenXR gestures that would work with the Air 2 Ultra’s hand tracking, maybe?

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Hi @Dorix , just had another thought about this.

Are the glasses not just a display for whatever is being shown on the other devices? If that webpage works correctly in the Chrome app on the phone, would it not just display on the glasses when tethered?


Hi @andyvirt ,

Yes, in mirror casting mode, the glasses will indeed display exactly what is shown on the phone.

I’m not sure if your question is related to your earlier inquiry about WebXR. If it is about WebXR, on the phone, it should get the phone’s pose, but when switching to display on the glasses, it should require the glasses’ pose to display correctly. This is why I mentioned earlier that a spatial browser supporting WebXR functionality is needed.

Argh, of course. I’m just desperately trying to find a workaround!
Thanks @Dorix