Failed to switch mode Developer mode

Hi there!

Lately we’ve been trying to enable hand tracking but unfortunately our device keeps on saying that the device in use is not compatible. The devices we use are: Oppo find x3 pro, Oppo find x2 pro and Samsung Galaxy s20+ 5g. The Oppo’s aren’t (of course) officially supported but the s20+ is but they all keep having the same error message.
We’ve read on the form that sometimes developer mode would help but the problem we have right now is that when we try to enable it MR space just won’t start up anymore.
Aircasting still works but when we press the MR space button it says: “failed to switch mode
We’ve tried logging it and it resulted in the following:

09-24 09:49:28.260 12188 12501 E NREAL   : [2021-09-24 09:49:28.260] [ERROR] [NRService] Set property(4) to value = 4 failure, response = 3
09-24 09:49:28.260 12188 12188 E DisplayModeService: onErrorMessage: errCode= 1 , currentMode= -110
09-24 09:49:28.260 12188 12188 E DisplayModeService: createView: -110

We also tried entering the MR package name in developer mode but that didn’t help either.
The nebula version we’ve installed is v2.01.00.1 and the service apk is v1.08.02, the firmware version on the glasses is
Hopefully this is enough info for someone to help us out. The full log can be found below.

Thanks for your help.

09-24 09:49:05.418  1123  1123 E OppoExLayer: using cid as pid, cid=12188, name=Background for -SurfaceView - ai.nreal.nebula.universal/ai.nreal.nebula.MainActivity#0
09-24 09:49:05.421 12188 12188 E lao_gao-ChannelIdentifyTool: true  getLegalPackageName: cpuModel= Hardware	: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc SM8250
09-24 09:49:05.426 12188 12188 E lao_gao_ChannelIdentifyTool: getChannelInfo: {flavor=universal, service=ai.nreal.nebula.service.oppo, matchType=normal, nebula=ai.nreal.nebula.universal}
09-24 09:49:05.431 12188 12188 E FlavorPlatformPlugin: android->onMethodCall: flavorPlatform = universal  flavorPid = QA  packageName = ai.nreal.nebula.universal  cpu = Hardware	: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc SM8250  brand = oppo  compareType = normal  simOperator = 20404  simCountryIso = nl  phoneModel = CPH2025
09-24 09:49:05.441 12188 12188 E CursorWindow: Failed to read row 0, column 3 from a CursorWindow which has 1 rows, 3 columns.
09-24 09:49:05.488  1059 11468 E sensors-hal: ssc_conn_event_cb:645, event[0] msg_id=776, ts=10501680000
09-24 09:49:05.488  1059 11468 E sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:87, device_orient_event: ssc_ts=10501680000 tk, ts=543012625446, type=0
09-24 09:49:05.564  1063  2337 E android.hardware.usb@1.2-service-qti: fopen failed in readFile /sys/class/qcom-battery/moisture_detection_status, errno=2
09-24 09:49:05.625  2550  2565 E Diag_Lib: [IMS_AP]"ims-rtp-daemon ims_rtp_qmi_handler_thread_func waiting on select thread>"
09-24 09:49:05.626  2550  2565 E Diag_Lib: [IMS_AP]"ims-rtp-daemon ims_rtp_qmi_handler_thread_func waiting on select thread>"
09-24 09:49:05.636 12188 12188 E PackageManagerPlugin: 是否存在 existActivityClassName = true
09-24 09:49:05.639  2550  2565 E Diag_Lib: [IMS_AP]"ims-rtp-daemon ims_rtp_qmi_handler_thread_func waiting on select thread>"
09-24 09:49:05.640  2550  2565 E Diag_Lib: [IMS_AP]"ims-rtp-daemon ims_rtp_qmi_handler_thread_func waiting on select thread>"
09-24 09:49:05.641 12188 12188 E FlavorPlatformPlugin: onMethodCall: clickAgree
09-24 09:49:05.642 12188 12188 E MainActivity: 权限都已经全部申请
09-24 09:49:05.643 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:05.645 12188 12188 E SwitchModePlugin: onBaseMethodCall: showHomePage
09-24 09:49:05.645 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:05.654 12188 12188 E SdkPlugin: onMethodCall: isUsbAction= false
09-24 09:49:05.750  3240  3240 E Launcher.ColorBubbleTextView: mForceHideDot is false
09-24 09:49:05.752  1123  1123 E Layer   : [Surface(name=Task=2)/@0x79877ff - animation-leash#0] No local sync point found
09-24 09:49:05.753  1123  1123 E Layer   : [Surface(name=Task=2)/@0x79877ff - animation-leash#0] No local sync point found
09-24 09:49:05.753  1123  1123 E Layer   : [Surface(name=Task=134)/@0xce1fd70 - animation-leash#0] No local sync point found
09-24 09:49:05.753  1123  1123 E Layer   : [Surface(name=Task=134)/@0xce1fd70 - animation-leash#0] No local sync point found
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting height=1920 is_recommend=false icon= name={'en': '微信'} category=app_category_social width=1080 distance=2.1 app_type=1
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: apps.package_name (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(Native Method)
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at ai.nreal.nebula.flutterPlugin.shared_content.NebulaProvider.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.content.ContentProvider.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at ai.nreal.nebula.flutterPlugin.content_provider_plugin.ContentProviderPlugin$onMethodCall$
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at ai.nreal.nebula.flutterPlugin.content_provider_plugin.ContentProviderPlugin$onMethodCall$
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableFromCallable.subscribeActual(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at io.reactivex.Observable.subscribe(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSubscribeOn$
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at io.reactivex.Scheduler$
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
09-24 09:49:05.755 12188 12326 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting height=1400 is_recommend=false icon= name={'en': 'Chrome'} category=app_category_browser width=2240 distance=2.1 app_type=1
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: apps.package_name (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(Native Method)
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at ai.nreal.nebula.flutterPlugin.shared_content.NebulaProvider.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.content.ContentProvider.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at ai.nreal.nebula.flutterPlugin.content_provider_plugin.ContentProviderPlugin$onMethodCall$
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at ai.nreal.nebula.flutterPlugin.content_provider_plugin.ContentProviderPlugin$onMethodCall$
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableFromCallable.subscribeActual(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at io.reactivex.Observable.subscribe(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableSubscribeOn$
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at io.reactivex.Scheduler$
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
09-24 09:49:05.763 12188 12332 E SQLiteDatabase: 	at
09-24 09:49:05.780  1059 11468 E sensors-hal: ssc_conn_event_cb:645, event[0] msg_id=776, ts=10508400000
09-24 09:49:05.780  1059 11468 E sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:87, device_orient_event: ssc_ts=10508400000 tk, ts=543362625446, type=4
09-24 09:49:06.136 12188 12188 E SwitchModePlugin: onBaseMethodCall: showHomePage
09-24 09:49:07.575  4388  4406 E horae   : 0: back:30513,frame:30924,front:31318,  +(1498), 1 ,29600,32242,33066
09-24 09:49:08.003  1123  1123 E HWComposer: isConnected failed for display 14229100062824452: Invalid display
09-24 09:49:08.037  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:08.038   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:08.038  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:08.054  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:08.086  2625  2625 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:08.091  2625  2625 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
09-24 09:49:08.088  2625  2625 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:08.109  2625  2625 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:08.104  2625  2625 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
09-24 09:49:08.109  2625  2625 E ThemeUtils: View class com.coloros.systemui.keyguard.fontvariation.NumberFontVariationTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
09-24 09:49:08.109  2625  2625 E ThemeUtils: View class com.coloros.systemui.keyguard.fontvariation.NumberFontVariationTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
09-24 09:49:08.109  2625  2625 E ThemeUtils: View class com.coloros.systemui.keyguard.fontvariation.GeneralFontVariationTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
09-24 09:49:08.110  2625  2625 E ThemeUtils: View class com.coloros.systemui.keyguard.fontvariation.GeneralFontVariationTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
09-24 09:49:08.110  2625  2625 E ThemeUtils: View class com.coloros.systemui.keyguard.clock.LunarCalendarTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
09-24 09:49:08.110  2625  2625 E ThemeUtils: View class com.coloros.systemui.keyguard.clock.ClockExtraTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
09-24 09:49:08.122  2625  2625 E ndroid.systemu: No package ID ff found for ID 0xffffffff.
09-24 09:49:08.122  2625  2625 E ndroid.systemu: No package ID ff found for ID 0xffffffff.
09-24 09:49:08.135  2625  2625 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:08.909 12188 12188 E SwitchModePlugin: onBaseMethodCall: showHomePage
09-24 09:49:08.937  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:08.937   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:08.937  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:09.480 12188 12188 E SwitchModePlugin: onBaseMethodCall: showHomePage
09-24 09:49:09.488  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:09.497  1113  2332 E AudioFlinger: Failed to add event callback
09-24 09:49:09.502  1113  2332 E AudioFlinger: Failed to add event callback
09-24 09:49:09.503  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:09.511  1113  2332 E AudioFlinger: Failed to add event callback
09-24 09:49:09.518  1113  2332 E AudioFlinger: Failed to add event callback
09-24 09:49:09.522  1113  2332 E AudioFlinger: Failed to add event callback
09-24 09:49:09.526  1113  2332 E AudioFlinger: Failed to add event callback
09-24 09:49:09.533   996 12717 E audio_hw_primary: offload_thread_loop: Compress handle is NULL
09-24 09:49:09.540   996  1936 E device_utils: update_device_list: Invalid device: 0
09-24 09:49:09.543   996  1936 E device_utils: update_device_list: Invalid device: 0
09-24 09:49:09.544  4930  5322 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
09-24 09:49:09.545   996  1936 E device_utils: update_device_list: Invalid device: 0
09-24 09:49:09.548   996  1936 E device_utils: update_device_list: Invalid device: 0
09-24 09:49:09.550   996  1936 E device_utils: update_device_list: Invalid device: 0
09-24 09:49:09.565  4930  5322 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
09-24 09:49:09.570  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:09.654  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:09.837  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.080 12188 12188 E SwitchModePlugin: onBaseMethodCall: showHomePage
09-24 09:49:10.087  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.087   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:10.087  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:10.103  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.122  3198  3198 E OplusNecManagerHelper: [class android.telephony.SignalStrength, int]
09-24 09:49:10.197 12188 12188 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:10.204  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.208 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:10.209 12188 12501 E NREAL   : [2021-09-24 09:49:10.209] [ERROR] [NRService] NRGlassesControl Session Invalid Argument!
09-24 09:49:10.209 12188 12501 E NREAL   : [2021-09-24 09:49:10.209] [ERROR] [NRService] NRGlassesControl Invalid Argument!
09-24 09:49:10.220  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.272  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.272   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:10.272  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:10.287  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.293  2625  5063 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:10.296  2625  3627 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:10.303  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.299  2625  3627 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:10.437  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.453  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.456  2625  2625 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:10.470  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.487  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.521  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.537  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.554  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.456  2625  2625 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:10.574  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.589  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.605  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.622  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.640  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.655  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.705  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.722  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.739  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.755  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:10.771  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:11.134 12188 12501 E NREAL   : [2021-09-24 09:49:11.134] [ERROR] [NRService] Display info CommondID_Error,No_Function is invalid
09-24 09:49:11.171 12188 12188 E DisplayModeService: createView: 1
09-24 09:49:11.172 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:11.172 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: get3DMode: refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:11.220 12188 12736 E MainActivity: syncLeftRightHand: result= 0
09-24 09:49:11.242  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:11.242   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:11.242  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:11.271  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:11.422  2625  3627 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:11.440  2625  3627 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:12.204  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.205   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:12.205  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:12.222  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.271  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.272   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:12.272  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:12.288  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.506  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.523  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.538  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.672  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.689  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.694  3198  3198 E OplusNecManagerHelper: [class android.telephony.SignalStrength, int]
09-24 09:49:12.706  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.722  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:12.771  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:15.263  3198  3198 E OplusNecManagerHelper: [class android.telephony.SignalStrength, int]
09-24 09:49:21.661  3198  3198 E OplusNecManagerHelper: [class android.telephony.SignalStrength, int]
09-24 09:49:22.467  4569  4569 E CheckPermission: _bluetooth code = 4 
09-24 09:49:24.069  1059  4978 E sensors-hal: ssc_conn_event_cb:645, event[0] msg_id=1025, ts=10860292105
09-24 09:49:24.069  1059  4978 E sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:83, pedometer_minute: report_ts=9,counter=0.000000 move_status =[SNS_CMC_STATIONARY] time_gap = 0 run_counter=0.000000 walk_counter=0.000000
09-24 09:49:28.148  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:28.152   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:28.152  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:28.181 12188 12188 E SwitchModePlugin: onBaseMethodCall: startSpace
09-24 09:49:28.182 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:28.182 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: get3DMode: refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:28.182 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:28.182 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: get3DMode: refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:28.188  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:28.205  1072  2242 E SDM     : CompManager::PrepareStrategyConstraints: PrepareStrategyConstraints not primary display, hit safe mode
09-24 09:49:28.206   657   657 E SELinux : avc:  denied  { find } for interface=vendor.qti.hardware.perf::IPerf sid=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 pid=1072 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_hal_perf_hwservice:s0 tclass=hwservice_manager permissive=0
09-24 09:49:28.206  1072  2242 E ANDR-PERF: IPerf:: Perf HAL Service is not available.
09-24 09:49:28.253  1123  1123 E HWComposer: destroyLayer failed for display 14229100062824452: Invalid display
09-24 09:49:28.253  1123  1123 E HWComposer: destroyLayer failed for display 14229100062824452: Invalid display
09-24 09:49:28.260 12188 12501 E NREAL   : [2021-09-24 09:49:28.260] [ERROR] [NRService] Set property(4) to value = 4 failure, response = 3
09-24 09:49:28.260 12188 12188 E DisplayModeService: onErrorMessage: errCode= 1 , currentMode= -110
09-24 09:49:28.260 12188 12188 E DisplayModeService: createView: -110
09-24 09:49:28.261 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: readConfig: isAutoOta=true,isAutoSpace=false,refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:28.261 12188 12188 E lao_gao_DebugSetting: get3DMode: refreshRate=72
09-24 09:49:28.282 12188 12188 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: getInstance
09-24 09:49:28.287 12188 12188 E Parcel  : Reading a NULL string not supported here.
09-24 09:49:29.353  1123  1123 E HWComposer: isConnected failed for display 14229100062824452: Invalid display