helloMR example builds and installs without error, but gives a blank screen

I’m trying to get helloMR working. I have the latest unity and android studio as of 10/21/2021 and nreal sdk 1.7.0 I have android 8.0, 8.1 and 12.0 sdk platforms installed.

I have gone through all the steps in the documentation and get a build and install without errors but when I run it on the puck I just get blackness in the glasses. If scrcpy is connected I see a screen that is a blue sky at the top and grey at the bottom.

Any idea what’s going on or how to debug this? I have many attempts with a variety of settings.

Greg did you succeed? I’m facing the same issue!

Total Unity noob here. I realised you have to click on the ‘HelloMR’ scene in the demos folder, rather than on the ‘HelloMR’ folder in the assets list (as shown in the Android getting started screen shot). D’oh!