Help games not working

Can someone tell me why not one single game or program i download works? I have issues with not a single game working they just pop up then turn off?or is it that these air glasses are just for watching Netflix or youtube,cus now prime just crashes too

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Can you check if the apps are actually compatible with Air or Light?

You know what .my bad,I purchased some nreal air glasses from Ee shop,i thought that these games were to play on the glasses with my phone as a pointeror controller, but its just a glorified phone mirror,sure the picture is crisp,but not what i expected, i downloaded ghost hunter,table trench,plus the 2 that popped up on new upgraded homescreen,but none work ,i thought it was my phone ( s21 ultra) but nah very upset

the old apps work for me with that phone, but the latest apps don’t work for me

@sithlordtony Try our games Memorize Extreme and Magician Mastery. This AR games works with Nreal Light and Nreal Air glasses.

Hi, the AR apps which are downloaded from MR Lab can be used in AR Space, or the apps you developed by NRSDK can also work. And other 2D apps can only be used under Air Casting mode.