How can we redetect Detected Planes in Plane Detection?

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to implement plane detection program. I’m able to access to those planes. I would like to delete existing planes and find planes again because sometimes plane detection cannot detect accurately. However, once the program finds planes, it saves those planes to inner dictionary list with an id. I would like to restart finding planes again but I couldn’t find any solution.

Has anyone faced with this problem? Can anyone suggest an idea for this problem?

Thank you for your time!

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Hi were you able to find a solution yet for this?

No, I’m desperately waiting for an answer.

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Thanks for replying at least someone did Nreal on the other hand seem not to care to reply or answer any of the questions that many of the devs have posted here

I am also interested to this topic. Can someone answer, please?

Hi, maybe you can check this post. Reset ar session - #17 by nreal-dev