How to watch YT videos in Flight mode

Hi, I tried to use my glasses on a flight so I could watch movies while flying. I buy movies via YT and then for this case there is this option to download them too.

That means I can watch the movies even in flight mode, but when I connect the glasses and try to go to air casting and run the videos in YT it seems like Nebula tries to force an Internet connection and then it does not work.

Any ideas?

Hi, the Nebula doesn’t detect network connection, could you please try to check if the YT offline video can be played under flight mode (without using Nebula and connecting the glass)?

That is the strange part, it works totally fine when the glasses are not connected, and in flight mode.

Thanks for the info. Have you ever tried to watch the video without launching Nebula but keeping the glass connected?

I also had this exact problem on a long flight with my Xreal Airs. I was able to use my xreal adapter on my iphone and everything worked fine while in airplane mode, but when i went to watch a video I had downloaded on my YT app i just got a flickering black screen. It was very disappointing.

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Hi, I have tested the downloaded video on Youtube under Fight Mode. On Android phone, it worked without a problem. But on iPhone, it cannot be played without network connection, because it ran in Ariplay by default, but the Airplay requires network connection.

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Thanks, how did you make it work on Android? Whether it is with or without Nebula, I could only get sound and captions, but no visuals.

I did nothing, just downloaded the video and played it. I tried it with and without launching Nebula. My test phone runs on Android 11, and the Youtube version is V18.32.36.

Is Xreal working on a solution for this? Also, will using a wired connection with the Beam solve this problem? We appreciate all of your responses!!

Hi, I tested it with Beam too, and I got the same result on the iPhone, the Android worked without any issues. Also, I must note that this is not the limit from us, it is from YT itself. I tested the iPhone with a normal physical monitor by wired connection, also cannot play the downloaded videos.

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