I’m using Nreal SDK 1.9.5.
I build the demo scene ImageTracking and the image tracking funtion just work for the first time, and never worked again.
I follow the step by step instructions on youtube (Nreal tutorial), and it doesn’t work at all. And I just don’t know which step went wrong, there is no feedback in Dev environment.
Wondering if anyone can point me to the right direction?
Many Thanks:)
My steps are as follow:
- open a new unity project and import NrealSDK(1.9.5), all issues are fixed
- ENABLED ‘ImageTrackingMode’ in NRKernalSessionConfig & DESELECT ‘Nreal Air’ in NRProjectConfig
- directly build DEMOS/ImageTracking, 0 change 0error
- apk build successfully and installed via adb
- open the target image on my monitor(27 inch), and the second picture is the real working environment
- open app in Nreal Light
– Until Now Everything Works OK-- the Nreal APP can Track The Image, Next, I try to custom the target image.
- Select the target image and resize with Adobe Illustration (ppi set to 150)
- drag into Assets\NRSDK\Demos\TrackingImage\Images
- regenerate the TrackingImageDatabase
- fix missing issue in NRKernalSessionConfig
- rebuild apk
- install it and try to track the image
–The entire tracking service failed to track images including images tested before-- Wondering if anyone can point me to the right direction?
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Hi, could you please send me the image, I want to test it from here.
I tried a new image, another thing is that I just simply regenerate the TrackingImageDatabase and build the demo, the entire function just fail to run. That’s wired.
Let me try this image first, and give you feedback.
Hi, I tested the image you sent, and it worked from here. There are several points I need to mention:
- After you create new imagedata base, please make sure the NRkernal Session is also changed and the new Tracking Image Database should be selected:
- Once you added the image to the Image folder, please change the ‘Wrap Mode’ and ‘Max size’ like the following shows:
I did and it’s still not working -.-
the current situation is:
- Directly build the demo = WORKS
- I delete the TrackingImageDtabase and Simply Regenerate it
- Drag new database into NRKernalSessionConfig
- build the demo again = FAILED
It just failed to work after Regenerate, without adding new iamges, I’m wondering what’s wrong in this step, can you send me the apk or share the project?
I also got the same issue when I tested, but I found the cause. It was because the ‘Max Size’ in your picture is too large, which reached the maximum performance of the Image Tracking function. After I changed the setting, it worked. I attached the apk I built, please try it to check if it is also OK for you.
Good news is that yhe apk you send me works well,
So, you steps are:
- drag the target image
- change Wrap Mode and Max Size
- regenerate the TrackingImageDatabase
- drag new database into NRKernalConfig
- rebuild the apk
is that all?
Yes, please follow these steps.
I did all the steps and again, it failed QAQ
I record my process here: Desktop 2022.11.25 - - Google Drive
Seems I found the difference. Please check what I did from the following video:
Oh I see the difference, I will try it later. Hoping it works, haha.
Finally it works, yeah~
And I still wondering the difference between NRSDK/NRKernalSessionConfig and NRSDK/Demos/Config/SessionConfig_Demo
While doing my own project, which ‘Config’ should I care about?
Just to hook in on this thread.
I still have issues with Image Tracking as well. Recognition is fine now, but the Width in the Image Database is always reset to 0.397(m), so I cannot use smaller trackables at the moment. Which is quite annoying.
When doing you own project, please focus on the NRKernalSessionCofig file, and call this file in your project.