Importing the photon causes app crashing on start

I have tried to create multiplayer with a help of Photon. After importing the PUN or Fusion the app can’t start on Nreal Light Dev kit. Has anybody had this problem?

Could you please send me the project to reproduce the problem?

It doesn’t matter what project, only import photon to any project with NRSDK and create a build. In the editor, all works, but can’t start on the device.

emmm, I’ve tried the demo Photon Unity Networking/DemoBoxes with NRSDK, it worked on my phone.
Have you ever tried to run your app on an Android phone?

Or did you run any other app without PUN just with NRSDK on your Dev Kit successfully?

I have used Dev Kit. And yes, I have run other apps without Photon successfully.

OK, I see.
Then which version is your Dev Kit?

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Yes, thank you. It works now. Previously I tested on the previous software version but didn’t test after the last update.