Is it possible to directly execute by does not use nebula?

Hi, I’m developing to AR app with nreal sdk for unity.

I want to cut it time that wake my app then run my own app.

Is it possible to directly execute by does not use nebula?

Hi, the current loading mechanism cannot allow to start MR app by bypassing Nebula. Sorry about it.

Hi, Thank you for replying me!

Ok, I wish to future update.

Is there any other way to start the MR app automatically?

I’m afraid no, you need to enter AR Space and select the MR app to launch.

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With developer mode enabled Nebula can be instructed to autolaunch a specific app

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Hi, I think you cannot configure autolaunch for a specific app even under developer mode.

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Maybe I’m misunderstanding. But in developer mode (on an android handset running Nebula) there is an option to specify a locally installed APK to automatically launch on start up. We’ve been using that option consistently for the last 2 years to minimize the time from glasses-plug-in to Unity app launch.

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Maybe you used a customized Nebula, could you please tell me the version of your Nebula?

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This has been my experience with sideloaded (“universal”) versions of Nebula v2.3.4, v.2.3.1, v2.0.0, and various versions before that (all the versions I’ve used in the last 18 months)

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Can I get this version Nebula??

I don’t remember when in v1 it was added, but the feature is certainly present in every v2 release of Nebula. I haven’t tried v3*YW1wLVlaYXVqSTF4d2l6NmNYTERTVmVFX2Z5ZU1uc2VyQWZqWDYyVl9lQW84N2FOclRSZ1IxU2ZTQVI4VVRXcHQzMVI.

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Thank you petejoneze, I’ll try it.