Is it possible to place a screen out of sight at the bottom?

Hi. I have a question.

Scenario: I’m walking down the street in glasses connected to my phone.

Most of the time I don’t want to see any digital image, only the real world.

But when I look down at the ground in front of me I would like to see a screen (with Google Maps or mirror from my professional camera to check settings and recently captured photo, for example).

After that I raise my head straight, see only real world, digital screen stays down

While walking I can turn left/right but the screen shouldn’t rotate horizontally. Its always down in front of me

Is it possible to place a fixed screen that way?

This functionality can be achieved using Beam. To accomplish this, you can utilize the Body Anchor mode and position the screen at the bottom of the view.

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Thank you for your response. It looks great when I stand and not move. But on the street, I walk a lot and normally turn left or right. Will the screen always be down in front of me?

Hi, yes, the Body Anchor mode just lets the screen follow the moving of your body instead of your head.

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Thanks for clarifying :slightly_smiling_face:

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