Mirrors VS Freeform lenses

Hi @XREAL-dev,

Would you be able to break down advantages/disadvantages of using large freeform lenses(Nreal Air) versus mirrors combined with small lenses attached to OLED screens(Nreal Light).
Visually I can see that mirrors are better for see through clarity. Unsure about brightness efficiency and long-term effects on eyesight when it comes to freeform.


Hi, the brightness and image contrast are better on Nreal Air. And I think the Air is a better choice for viewing.

Thanks @XREAL-dev

Is the next gen model going to be based on Freeform as well ?

Which one has more clarity/sharpness at first gen? Air or Light ?

Hi, Air should be sharper.

Hi @XREAL-dev

You mentioned increasing resolution in next version.
Would you also be increasing lens sharpness as it is more important for productivity use?


My preference is with the mirrors for upcoming version.
Do not feel safe using freeforms long term.

It will be hard to justify getting next gen glasses unless optics are sharper than the air.
Productivity case needs to work without magnifying small fonts.