Nreal air not working


i live in japan
i have nreal air and lg velvet l-52(android12)
my nreal air dont work with my l-52

  1. Windowspc ⇔ neral air … ok
    pc desktop shown in nreal air
  2. Windowspc ⇔ l-52 … ok
    usb mode select(charging,mtp,passive,etc.) shown in l-52
  3. l-52 ⇔ nreal air … ng
    no happen in l-52

could you solve

Hi, could you please confirm the followings:

  1. The LG Velvet you used is L-52A (docomo version) or not.
  2. After the glass is connected to the LG phone, is there any image in the glass?
  3. What kind of error you got?

thank you for reply

  1. The LG Velvet you used is L-52A (docomo version) or not.
    →L-52A (docomo version)

  2. After the glass is connected to the LG phone, is there any image in the glass?
    L-52A no response

  3. What kind of error you got?
    →no response is my error

Sometimes nreal air can connect normally, and I with L-52A(“AR mode” and “air casting mode” both ok), so I don’t know the cause😟

OK, I have two tips for you. 1. Check if the cable of the glass or the interface of your phone is good; 2. Turn off the Desktop Mode of your LG phone.

thank you for reply

i tried your procedure but not work well

i tried many other ways, finally i found a way to barely do it.

① first, i connect windowspc and l-52a

at this time, i select “Power supply” in “USB connection selection” displayed with l-52a

②second, i connect l-52a and nrealair

i wait for a while, l-52a will recognize nrealair

I think the cause is probably l-52a, not nrealair

Inquiring to lg (no response so far)

Thank you for your quick response
nrealair the best!:slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for your feedback, hope LG can fix your phone then. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: