NReal Light tracking sensor connection failure

I’ve been tyring to get the demo Unity scenes to run against the Light dev kit. The display works OK, but head tracking doesn’t. Head tracking in the demo apps works fine. I’m seeing the following issues in logcat:

2022/11/20 15:11:57.635 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:57.635] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU software version :
2022/11/20 15:11:57.644 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:57.644] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses ID : A017F01046
2022/11/20 15:11:57.859 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:57.858] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] GlassesFWInfo :
2022/11/20 15:11:57.861 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:57.860] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU protocol 20200922 MATCHED
2022/11/20 15:11:58.409 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.409] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU protocol load SUCCESS
2022/11/20 15:11:58.413 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.413] [5056] [WARN] [NRSDK] [Read display info] : [Unsupported]
2022/11/20 15:11:58.421 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.421] [5056] [INFO] [NRSDK] GET Display Mode 3D_1080
2022/11/20 15:11:58.421 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.421] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] MCU started
2022/11/20 15:11:58.424 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.423] [5056] [WARN] [NRSDK] [Read supported device list] : [Unsupported]
2022/11/20 15:11:58.424 4963 5030 Error NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.423] [4981] [ERROR] [NRSDK] GetSupportedDevices fail 1 
2022/11/20 15:11:58.425 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.425] [5056] [WARN] [NRSDK] [Read supported display list] : [Unsupported]
2022/11/20 15:11:58.426 4963 5030 Error NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.426] [4981] [ERROR] [NRSDK] GetSupportedDisplays fail 1 
2022/11/20 15:11:58.426 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.426] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRGlassesControl RUN!
2022/11/20 15:11:58.428 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.428] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRHMD START!
2022/11/20 15:11:58.428 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.428] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses Config initializing
2022/11/20 15:11:58.428 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.428] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses Config device type [1]
2022/11/20 15:11:58.428 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.428] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses Config got invalid handle, work type = 0
2022/11/20 15:11:58.432 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.432] [5057] [INFO] [NRSDK] Glasses heartbeat, response status true
2022/11/20 15:11:58.642 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.633] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] Use level-1 config file 
2022/11/20 15:11:58.702 4963 4963 Debug Connector onServiceConnected
2022/11/20 15:11:58.722 4963 5030 Info NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.722] [4981] [INFO] [NRSDK] Sensor protocol identifer = 58634954564f
2022/11/20 15:11:58.724 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:58.724] [4981] [WARN] [NRSDK] Sensor firmware 58634954564f is newer than the known protocol, here we choose the most suitable protocol 20200323

Followed by :

2022/11/20 15:11:58.775 4963 4981 Info Unity [Info][NRHMDPoseTracker] OnApplicationPause : pause=False, headPos=((0.00, 0.00, 0.00), (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)), cachedWorldMatrix=1.00000	0.00000	0.00000	0.00000
2022/11/20 15:11:58.775 4963 4981 Info Unity 0.00000	1.00000	0.00000	0.00000
2022/11/20 15:11:58.775 4963 4981 Info Unity 0.00000	0.00000	1.00000	0.00000
2022/11/20 15:11:58.775 4963 4981 Info Unity 0.00000	0.00000	0.00000	1.00000

And then continously

2022/11/20 15:11:59.017 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:59.017] [5080] [WARN] [NRSDK] gyro_numerator 2000
2022/11/20 15:11:59.017 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:59.017] [5080] [WARN] [NRSDK] Discarded imu due to parsing error
2022/11/20 15:11:59.018 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:59.018] [5080] [WARN] [NRSDK] gyro_numerator 2000
2022/11/20 15:11:59.018 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:59.018] [5080] [WARN] [NRSDK] Discarded imu due to parsing error
2022/11/20 15:11:59.019 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:59.019] [5080] [WARN] [NRSDK] gyro_numerator 2000
2022/11/20 15:11:59.019 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:59.019] [5080] [WARN] [NRSDK] Discarded imu due to parsing error
2022/11/20 15:11:59.020 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:59.020] [5080] [WARN] [NRSDK] gyro_numerator 2000
2022/11/20 15:11:59.020 4963 5030 Warn NREAL [2022-11-20 15:11:59.020] [5080] [WARN] [NRSDK] Discarded imu due to parsing error

Anyone have a clue? I’m assuming the glasses are reporting a tracking sensor that the latest Unity SDK doesn’t understand…

Hi, could you please tell me which demo (demo name and the version of NRSDK) you tested? I will double check it on my dev kit.

I’m using NRSDK 1.9.5, and testing the HelloMR scene.
I can provide an APK for testing if that helps?
Drive link: nrealtest.apk

Hi, sorry for answering late, I tested the apk you sent, and also printed a full log. I didn’t find the same errors in my log. I will discuss it with our R&D member.

Thankyou for the help!

Hi, sorry for my late answer. Could you please try to update the system version of your Dev kit? We noticed that the current version is old, maybe it causes the current issue.

Thanks for the update. I’ve tried several times, but none of the update tools show a need to upgrade. Is there a latest system image/update tool I can try please?

Hi, please install the following ota tool in your dev kit, and click it and another ‘update’ app, wait for 30s. Please make sure the network is connected and stable before clicking.

That fixed it, thanks!

Nice! Glad to hear it.