One Plus 9 - Non-Pro (LE2115)

I’ve got a OnePlus 9 (Non-Pro, LE2115).

When I open Nebula, everything loads (and my phone screen appears through the glasses), but ‘AR Space’ and ‘Air Casting’ buttons are greyed out on the app and will not let me select either of them.

Are there any solutions for this??


Hi, this is a known issue, it is because Oneplus changed the DP+USB channels in the new system(LE2115_11_C.65 or above). So you have to downgrade your system to lower currently.

Is there a fix coming in the near future??

Spent half my day trying to downgrade my system to no avail.

We are trying to find a method to fix it from our side, but not sure the specific date.

Any update on when this issue will be resolved?