Please connect your glasses (101)

I tried to run the application using the device from the application build for the first time with the following page. The build was successful, but when I tried to run the app directly on the device, the Please connect your glasses (101) error message appeared and the app was forcefully terminated.

After installing Nebula on the device and launching Nebula, the app runs without problems when the created app is launched.
Could it be that XREAL apps must be launched from Nebula?

Windows PC - Windows 11 Home 23H2
Unity Editor 2022.3.29f1
Android Studio Jellyfish | 2023.3.1
Galaxy S22 Android 12


Yes, that’s correct. Nebula acts as a server and is necessary for configuring various settings of the glasses, such as switching to 3D mode, updating the firmware of the glasses, and more. Therefore, you must launch Nebula first in order to open 3D applications.