SocketException: Each Socket Address(Protocol/Network Address/Port) can be only used

I’m trying to stream FirstPersonView using experimental SDK.
After press Stream button on the app, nothing happens on the StreamingReceiver and the default video plays over and over.
When I press ‘space’ button on keyboard, i can see the log which prints

SocketException: Each Socket Address(Protocol/Network Address/Port) can be only used.

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind (System.Net.EndPoint localEP) [0x00043] in <d2957de1c3fd4781a43d89572183136c>:0 
  at NRToolKit.StreamingServer.Server.ServerSession.Start (System.String ip) [0x00033] in D:\Work\Projects\SDKs\StreammingCastTool\Assets\Scripts\Common\NetWorkServer\Server\ServerSession.cs:199 
  at NRToolKit.StreamingServer.Server.NetWorkServer..ctor (System.String ip) [0x00085] in D:\Work\Projects\SDKs\StreammingCastTool\Assets\Scripts\Common\NetWorkServer\Server\NetWorkServer.cs:37 
  at NRToolKit.StreamingServer.FirstPersonViewController.Init () [0x0003d] in D:\Work\Projects\SDKs\StreammingCastTool\Assets\Scripts\Modules\StreammingView\View\StreammingView\FirstPersonViewController.cs:45 
  at NRToolKit.StreamingServer.FirstPersonViewController.Start () [0x00007] in D:\Work\Projects\SDKs\StreammingCastTool\Assets\Scripts\Modules\StreammingView\View\StreammingView\FirstPersonViewController.cs:27 

I turned off the firewall and connected on the same WiFi.
I tested it after kill the adb server just in case, but nothing changes…
What can I try to fix this issue?

Please confirm what version of the experimental SDK you are using. Thanks in advance.

i’m using 1.9.3 experimental unitypackage

I tested FPS function from my side, it worked well. Could you please check the IP address of your phone and PC, to check if they are on the same LAN? Also, please create a full log by Logcat and send it to us.

I found the streaming receiver had connected LAN to 'Virtual box Network ’ in the logcat.
After disabling this network on Network Connections on Windows Setting, streaming works pretty!

One more question.
For recording option in the application, the button action works well ( turns into RED when starting record and turns back to GREEN when finishing), but nothing is saved on the smartphone.
I allowed the permission for file access. Is there any settings that I should manage to ?

Also, I have ec2 server on AWS. I want to stream my screen to other people through WebRTC stunned by EC2 server.
Is this possible to manage the target address that I want to set?

Please connect your phone with PC and check the recording in the path ‘Android–>data–>xxx(package name of your App)–>files’.
And the FPS function doesn’t support cloud streaming.

Nothing saved on the directory. Is is related to the option ‘Write Permission = External’ on Player Settings?

Write permission is mainly for installation. But please give all the permission for the App you made after installing.