[SOLVED] Need help downloading the NRSDK

Hello everyone,

I received the Nreal Dev kit as a part of my job (I work from home). I created an account and I tried to download the NRSDK from https://developer.nreal.ai/download, but I was then redirected to the Nreal Developer Kit Application page. Please note that I am not the one who ordered the glasses, and I suspect it’s part of the problem.

I couldn’t find any way to register my glasses, nor any instructions regarding the SDK inside the box or in the quick start guide. I don’t know who exactly ordered the glasses, I can look it up if needed (hoping they’re not in vacation), but given the time of the year, I’d rather find another alternative.

As of now, I’m stuck. How can I solve this issue?

Thank you for your time, and have a great day.



I managed to download the SDK, but had to fill the application form to do so. As I suspected, I could not set the number of needed dev kits to 0, so I’m now on the waiting list for another dev kit, even though I already have one. On the bright side, it did not require any really invasive information (no bank info, etc…).

I’ll check with the support to cancel this application (at least regarding the hardware), and start working on my projects now.

I suspect I won’t be the only one dealing with this, so maybe Nreal could do do something about it? I can’t be the only one without access to the account responsible for the order of the dev kit.

I can understand the need to collect a bit of data regarding the developer community, but if could download the SDK without pre-ordering a new hardware set, that’d be great.



I don’t know what I did, but I never ordered any Dev-Kit, “just applied” for one to download the sdk, but never got buying them, just using the consumer variant from Telekom Germany. Am I now on any waiting list? @XREAL-dev

I re-read everything I received, and I’m unsure now, I might have interpreted things a bit.

But still, there is some ambiguous wording, the fact that you have to put that you “need” at least one dev kit to download the SDK is weird (you could tick a check box if you already have a kit/just want to mess around with the SDK, or at least put 0, or whatever), and the confirmation mail giving you shipping time frame doesn’t help clear possible misunderstanding.

Obviously, you won’t get a dev kit without paying for it, and nothing seemed binding in the application form, but on the other hand, when you are not in the position of making this kind of decision (ordering pricy hardware) on your own, it feels at best sloppy, and at worst a bit shady.

Now, I trusted the nreal team, so I filled the form, but if this could be clarified in the future, that would be great.

BTW, I contacted the support, and I’ll update this thread if I get clarification from them.


I received a mail from the support team, quite straightforward :

Dear Julien,

If you didn’t pay any money, please ignore it.

Best & Regards

It was expected, but at least that clarify things. So no waiting list shenanigans, just a form with account infos and confusing wording.

Hope this clear things for others in the future!


Sorry for the confusion and thank you for your feedback. We’ll improve it as soon as possible.