Some feedbacks to the Lazer in Beam Pro

Hi, I got my beam pro. I have a few feedbacks.

First of all, the tip about how to reset the Lazer pointer keeps popping up even when I click the “Don’t show again” button.

I also find in smooth follow mode, the Lazer pointer does often disappear. It doesn’t respect the 3dof tracking of the glass itself. It works as if the phone moved, but the glass didn’t. I think this can be improved.

Besides, the pointer can also move arbitrarily far away from the screen. This reminds me the experience of using Wii a while ago. The behavior in Wii was much better. If my lazer went out side the window it won’t leave too far and it will come back. With that I don’t have to reset it often. If it drifted to the left side too much I just point to the left side to get it back. Because when I move my phone to the left, the pointer won’t move if it reaches the far left side.

That being said I really enjoy this product. I ended up using it way more often than my other AR/VR products. It is so light and I can easily wear it cleaning up the dishes. Hope it can get better over time.

One thing to add. I find the anti-mistouch feature is a bit frustrating. When I use Samsung Dex, the phone also acts as a touchpad. I can “anti-mistouch” by simply turning off the phone. I did the same with Beam Pro, but the screen turns on again after any touch. If I use the anti-mistouch feature, I need to hold the button for a long time to revive the air mouse. I also find it seems unlocks accidentally in my pocket. In my pocket, the Lazer point sometimes shows up, too. It might be related to the accidental unlock.