Some Question about RGB camera

1.Can I use prime focus to take pictures?Or how to get the focal length of the camera when take screenshot?we need focal length of the photo in both horizontal and vertical directions.

2.The camera will crash after many screenshots, how to fix it

Hi developer. About your questions, I want to confirm the following with you:

  1. I’m not sure about the ‘prime focus’ you mentioned, cuz the focal length of the RGB camera is fixed, it is 30-31mm. And you said ‘focal length in horizontal and vertical directions’, could you please give me more details about these two parameters?
  2. The crash occurs when you use screenshot function in Nebula or RGB-capture function in your own MR app?
  1. Millimeter focal length convert to pixel focal length,and which the specification of camera sensor is?OV580?
    2.There will be errors after taking many photos, “RGBCamera is disabled” ,
    error in console:
    “08-03 10:39:00.403 24092 24121 E Unity : [Error][NRSessionManager] Kernal error:[NativeCamera] StartCapture: Can not find the rgb camera device error!
    08-03 10:39:00.403 24092 24121 E Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-03 10:39:00.403 24092 24121 E Unity : NRKernal.NRSessionManager:OprateInitException(Exception)
    08-03 10:39:00.403 24092 24121 E Unity : NRKernal.MainThreadDispather:Update()”

We rely heavily on this screenshot function and use its screenshots for indoor positioning ,using the method provided by the class"PhotoCaptureExample" to take a screenshot every 5 seconds.
Is it because another photo was taken before the screenshot was completed, causing the rgb camera crash and lose connection .


  1. yes, it is OV580;
  2. Can I get full log which shows this issue?

What is the focal length in pixel about ov580?

The focal length you provided is in millimeters and needs to be converted to pixels

We don’t have such parameters, but I can provide the pixels in horizontal and vertical, size of sensor.
Horizontal: 2592 pixels;
Vertical: 1933 pixels;
Size: 6.5mm
You can calculate the corresponding focal length in pixel according to the info above.

Thank you. That’s very helpful

  • Here are some logs about exceptions
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][CaptureContext] Create…
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:StartCaptureMode(CameraParameters)
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:14.607 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][NativeCamera] Use the default texture format: RGB_888
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeCameraProxy:GetActiveCameraImageFormat(String)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.RGBCameraFrameProvider:.ctor()
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:CreateFrameProviderByMode(BlendMode, Int32)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:StartCaptureMode(CameraParameters)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][CameraFrameProvider] Use format:RGB_888
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.RGBCameraFrameProvider:.ctor()
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:CreateFrameProviderByMode(BlendMode, Int32)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:StartCaptureMode(CameraParameters)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:14.609 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][NativeCameraProxy] Initialize
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeCameraProxy:Initialize()
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRRgbCamera:Initialize()
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeCameraProxy:SetImageFormat(CameraImageFormat)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.CameraModelView:.ctor(CameraImageFormat)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRRGBCamTexture:.ctor()
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.RGBCameraFrameProvider:.ctor()
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:CreateFrameProviderByMode(BlendMode, Int32)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:StartCaptureMode(CameraParameters)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:14.610 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][NativeCameraProxy] SetImageFormat : RGB_888
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeCameraProxy:SetImageFormat(CameraImageFormat)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.CameraModelView:.ctor(CameraImageFormat)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRRGBCamTexture:.ctor()
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.RGBCameraFrameProvider:.ctor()
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:CreateFrameProviderByMode(BlendMode, Int32)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:StartCaptureMode(CameraParameters)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][NativeCamera] Regist:1
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeCameraProxy:Regist(CameraModelView)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRRGBCamTexture:.ctor()
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.RGBCameraFrameProvider:.ctor()
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:CreateFrameProviderByMode(BlendMode, Int32)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:StartCaptureMode(CameraParameters)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:14.611 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][CaptureContext] Start…
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.FrameCaptureContext:StartCapture()
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:14.619 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][NativeCameraProxy] StartCapture begin.
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeCameraProxy:Play()
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.CameraModelView:Play()
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:14.620 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][NativeCameraProxy] StartCapture end.
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.CameraModelView:Play()
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][NativeCamera] Regist:1
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeCameraProxy:Regist(CameraModelView)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.CameraModelView:Play()
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.131 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.NRPhotoCapture:StartPhotoModeAsync(CameraParameters, OnPhotoModeStartedCallback, Boolean)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.<>c__DisplayClass6_0:b__0(NRPhotoCapture)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : QFramework.CanSendCommandExtension:SendCommand(ICanSendCommand)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : GetRGBCameraIntrinsicMatrixcolumn0:x:1152.819, y:0, z:0
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : column1:x:0, y:1152.405, z:0
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : column2:x:640.9756, y:392.3898, z:1
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:OnInterval(Int64)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.Operators.Timer:OnNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend(Action)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UniRx.d__3:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.132 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][GetProjectionMatrix] LEFT_DISPLAY: left_tan:-0.3920895, right_tan:0.4136984, top_tan:0.2257071, bottom_tan:-0.2414556
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeHMD:GetProjectionMatrix(EyeProjectMatrixData&, Single, Single)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRDeviceSubsystem:GetEyeProjectMatrix(Boolean&, Single, Single)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRFrame:GetEyeProjectMatrix(Boolean&, Single, Single)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__7:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][GetProjectionMatrix] RIGHT_DISPLAY: left_tan:-0.4000463, right_tan:0.4067028, top_tan:0.2335404, bottom_tan:-0.2336549
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NativeHMD:GetProjectionMatrix(EyeProjectMatrixData&, Single, Single)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRDeviceSubsystem:GetEyeProjectMatrix(Boolean&, Single, Single)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRFrame:GetEyeProjectMatrix(Boolean&, Single, Single)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__7:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.133 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][NRCameraInitializer] RGB Camera Project Matrix :1.80128 0.00000 -0.00152 0.00000
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : 0.00000 3.20113 0.08997 0.00000
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00012 -0.60004
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : 0.00000 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__7:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][NRCameraInitializer] RGB Camera pos:(0.01, 0.00, 0.00) rotation:(0.14986, -0.00136, 0.00922, 0.98866)
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__7:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.134 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.136 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.136 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.136 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.136 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.136 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.142 20447 20475 E Unity : [Error][NRSessionManager] Kernal error:[NativeCamera] StartCapture: Can not find the rgb camera device error!
    08-04 16:59:36.142 20447 20475 E Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.142 20447 20475 E Unity : NRKernal.NRSessionManager:OprateInitException(Exception)
    08-04 16:59:36.142 20447 20475 E Unity : NRKernal.MainThreadDispather:Update()
    08-04 16:59:36.142 20447 20475 E Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.146 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.146 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.146 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.146 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.146 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.572 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.572 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.572 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.572 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.572 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.589 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.589 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.589 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.589 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.589 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.689 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.689 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.689 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.689 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.689 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.705 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.705 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.705 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.705 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.705 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.758 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.758 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.758 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.758 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.758 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.769 20447 20475 I Unity : [Info][NRNotificationListener] Dispath:NRKernal.NRNotificationListener+NativeErrorNotification
    08-04 16:59:36.769 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.769 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRNotificationListener:OprateNotificationMsg(NotificationMsg)
    08-04 16:59:36.769 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.NRNotificationListener:Update()
    08-04 16:59:36.769 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.880 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.880 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.880 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.880 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.880 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.905 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.905 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.905 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.905 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.905 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.921 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.921 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.921 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.921 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.921 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.938 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.938 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.938 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.938 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.938 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:36.957 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:36.957 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:36.957 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:36.957 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:36.957 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.521 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.521 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.521 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.521 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.521 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.538 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.538 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.538 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.538 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.538 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.572 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.572 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.572 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.572 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.572 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.576 20447 20475 W Unity : cant find asset:(104.07, 30.55)
    08-04 16:59:37.576 20447 20475 W Unity : Waku.Module.AssetDownloader:TryBuildAssetByGps(Vector2)
    08-04 16:59:37.576 20447 20475 W Unity : WeiXiang.GameManager:DownloadAssetBundleAndBuild()
    08-04 16:59:37.576 20447 20475 W Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.589 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.589 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.589 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.589 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.589 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.722 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.722 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.722 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.722 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.722 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.738 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.738 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.738 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.738 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.738 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.757 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.757 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.757 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.757 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.757 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.806 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.806 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.806 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.806 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.806 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.822 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.822 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.822 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.822 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.822 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.906 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.906 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.906 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.906 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.906 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.921 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.921 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.921 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.921 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.921 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.938 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.938 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.938 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.938 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.938 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:37.957 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:37.957 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:37.957 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:37.957 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:37.957 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:38.121 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:38.121 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:38.121 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:38.121 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:38.121 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:38.138 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…
    08-04 16:59:38.138 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.DefaultLogHelper:Log(LogLevel, Object)
    08-04 16:59:38.138 20447 20475 I Unity : NRKernal.Record.d__11:MoveNext()
    08-04 16:59:38.138 20447 20475 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
    08-04 16:59:38.138 20447 20475 I Unity :
    08-04 16:59:38.855 20447 20475 I Unity : [Debug][PhotoCapture] Wait for the first frame ready…

It seems the RGB cam is not recognized. Could you please tell me what change you’ve done for RGB cam?

Take screenshots every 5 seconds using NRPhotoCapture,This error will appear after a few or dozens of screenshots

Hi, I was wondering if you tried to build the DemoScene "RGBCamera-Capture” because I’ve tried to take screenshots per second with this demo and after more than 70 screenshots, I didn’t reproduce your issue. Could you tell me which version of your NRSDK is?

And you can try the demoscene as well, I modified the code of the script “PhotoCaptureExample.cs” as follows:

 void Update()
            // if (NRInput.GetButtonDown(ControllerButton.TRIGGER))
            // {
            //     TakeAPhoto();
            // }

            time += Time.deltaTime;

            if (time >= 1)
                time = 0;



Nreal MR SDK for Unity version 1.9.0
This anomaly will not appear stably. Sometimes, it will appear after only a few screenshots, and sometimes it will not appear after dozens of screenshots :face_exhaling:

Hi, sorry for the late reply. We found this error in your log:

StartCapture: Can not find the rgb camera device error!

And we want to know whether this error will show up every time the camera crashed. If so, the reason may be that the contact between the phone and the glasses is not good.

Another piece of advice is to update your SDK version to 1.9.3, probably this function will be more stable.