The problem of dev-kit!

Hi, I am a College Student working on my Final Year Project.

Yesterday, my Nreal Light Controller got a new update. After the Controller finished the update.
The controller did not have any reaction. However, the glasses had shown that if there were no response from the controller, restart the devices both.

Therefore, the problem happened. The controller cannot connect to the device of the computing unit.
When I turn on the power of the controller, there is no Green Light flashing. If I press the controller “OK” button for a long time, the Green Light will show, but it keeps flashing the Green Light and cannot connect the computing unit.

I also checked the battery of the controller. It should not be a problem.
I also followed the instruction for these steps:

(1) Before powering on, please keep the glasses, computing unit, and controller separate;
(2) Turn on the computing unit and the controller. At this time, the light on the controller will flash green. (3) Please wait for the indicator light on the computing unit to change from flashing to steady;
Plug in the glasses, then you will see an opening animation. After it, the handle light should stay in green or flash in red and green. At this time, the laser of the handle can be seen in the space and can follow the controller’s movement.
(4) If the light on the controller is still flashing in green, please plug out the glasses, place the controller on the computing unit, and re-plug the glasses again. After waiting for 5 seconds, the indicator light of the controller should change to flashing blue or steady in green, which means that the controller has been successfully connected to the computing unit.

It still not works. So, what should I do for the controller?

Hi, thanks for the details you provided. I noticed that you have already reset the controller and re-connected it, but still didn’t work. I have a final suggestion for you, please try to check the connection status of Bluetooth on your PC (you can use the Scrcpy tool and open the interface of the computing unit).

After repairing the controller and the computing unit. The controller’s Gyro, Touchpad, and “OK” buttons. Those functions are not working.

OK, thanks for this info. I recommend you contact our after-sales team for further check. The email address is