Trying to make remote desktop/virtual desktop application

Hey there!

I own a nreal developer kit and have some experience in Unity.

I would like to create an app where I can instantiate several desktop screens (or as many as one wants) similar to Virtual Desktop or Immersed for VR Headsets. The app should just be able to basically setup my own virtual working space at home with my nreal dev kit.

Does anyone know how to get started with this? I couldn’t find any entry point to this. I would be very thankful for any clues where or how to start with this.

Thank you very much in advance!

In the developer Slack channel, user Shane Hodgkins shared a functional Unity Remote Desktop application project on Google Drive here: NReal Remote Desktop – Google Drive

I’m not sure if it is the best starting point for what you are looking to accomplish but it may at least give you some ideas.

Please refer to this document:

Thank you for your reply but this is just the nreal documentation…

I think they just read:

“Does anyone know how to get started with this? I couldn’t find any entry point to this. I would be very thankful for any clues where or how to start with this.”

because that’s the NRSDK Introduction! :wink: