Upgrading dev kit

How do I upgrade the dev kit version?

I looked through previous posts and saw that there was some ota.apk but I can’t seem to find that now.

Hi, there is an installed update app in the dev kit. Another ota apk is required only when the update app is not working or the system version is too low.

I see the update app but I can’t open it using scrcpy. Should I install the ota.apk?

And if I do so, will I be able to use v2.1 or should I just stick with v1.9 of the SDK?


Only V1.9 of the SDK is compatible with the dev kit no matter what system version the computing unit is installed with. Please note it.

Got it, thanks for clarifying. What Android SDK version works with v1.9? I’m on level 27 right now, should I upgrade?

Also, does any of the v1.9 versions work?


Ok the app is working but it needs some audio permission thing in Android.