What parameters can you control in the screens? saturation, contrast rgb?

Hi I love your glasses. the only thing that is lacking is the color setup for the glasses. which is to saturated and contrasty. it would be really nice if it was possible to have mutiple colorsettings. maybe one could set them up and then switch between them with the screenlight intensity toggle.what parameters can you control on the screens if any? is it possible to lessen the contrast? reduce the saturation etc? I work as a professional colorist even if you have a rudimentary tool for making the parameter changes I would love to help you match it to a rec709 screen as best as possible if you do not have an integrated software tool for calibration.
I would just love it if my glasses had lover saturation and contrast if you could mplement colorcontrol of the screens in software. like a little settingssoftware for mac and pc.

Hi, thanks for your post and suggestions. Honestly, our engineers are trying to adjust the saturation and contrast from the hardware side. We will also take your suggestion into consideration.