Will xreal continue support of the light considering this is still a viable dev tool

hi im planning on buying a pair of the light cheaply to prototype ideas i see the sdk seems to still support the light and it seems most of the sdk development is geared to the light with now added ultra support beacause it uses unity as middleware would buying a relatively cheap pair of the light still be a viable development platform the reason im asking is because if xreal continue to support the light with the intention of developers developing apps that will work on a future consumer product when the ar market starts to boom i predict 2030 - 35 before the tech becomes everyday tech if xreal consider these devices as stepping stones to a future untethered headset continued support of the light as a development platform could help develop apps for the ultra 2 and future eventual untethered headsets. if they consider these devices as sustainable development platforms it will allow us developers to build the eco system they want but if they leave the devices behind in the sdk they are missing a trick for me the light has better features in terms of rgb cameras looking at the support for xreal from developers and statements that xreal just dump devices and developers i cant justify the ultra 2 i only need a prototype device that gives me access to real ar as my ml1 dies end of the year and i need a replacement would be nice to see someone update mrtk to version 3 and it would also be nice to see more open source support and these 3rd party sdks i cant seem to find im not fussed about being able to use it with windows or mac as i want a semi standalone spatial computer i can use im my volumetric mixed reality dev setup im thinking that nreal might continue to develop for the light or at least support the light with bug fixes and the sdk i say this because i dont see the need for ultra and considering the lack o developer support and the lack of support for developers from xreal i think them supporting light well into the future is there best hope of getting developers they need to bring the ultra and the light into a two tier system where developers can get the light for a couple hundred bucks and the ultra as the update i think the lack of rgb is also a major downside especially with nerf and splat technology i think removing the rgb camera was a bad move for developers im considering buying a pair of light asap as the lack of company support for developers some purport makes me not have the confidence of spending 699 plus a compatible phone is gonna yield results without the support for openxr and the the uncertainty of support for webxr on the light has made me wonder if xreal is just hitting specs to the street to get a boost but not really offering much i feel even as a developer that if the light continues to recieve support at least in the sdk it allows us developer to build the nebula eco system but if they ditch it then ill buy one to prototype plus would also like to see a godot 4 sdk cuz you are really missing a trick with that considering it runs on android