Windows - Before purchasing

Hello all

I have been looking at these for a while now and watched many youtube videos beforehand however thought I would check the forums before purchasing as most of the videos are sponsored so will not give key fault information.

On checking the forums I am a little lost and need some advice.

I am a Windows 11 user on a mid spec PC (Intel 12900k & Strix 6900Xt) and was interested in using these glasses to get the three screen displays to have the ability to game and do other tasks, however from what I have read on the forums its unclear as to if Xreal even has a true windows app and if the three screens and 120hz will work.

I dont get it to be honest are these glasses only intended for Mac users as they have a true app yet from the post nothing has been done for Windows users for months.

Would appreciate if someone could reply and clarify as spending ÂŁ500 on what would basically be a 60hz second monitor without these features seems a bit stupid to me.

Regards and thanks

Hi, Chapper. It is not recommended to use Nebula Windows on a PC with an integrated graphics card. However, it can support up to 90Hz if the three-virtual screen mode is enabled.

Ok so if I dont use nebula will it do the full 120hz on a PC with a graphic card?

If you don’t use Nebula, then the glass can work as a portable monitor and the refresh rate can be up to 120Hz (if your PC supports the 120Hz video output).

Hi Chapper - As a user on the mac (but with a PC I can test with), if you don’t have Nebula don’t expect much. I have a Surface Pro 4 (old school) with integrated card and about as low as you could expect in today’s market. I tried the Windows beta when it first released and wasn’t happy. I didn’t get it to work well and although I could get it to work without Nebula, I needed the body anchor to be useful. That said, when I first tried it on my mac (x64) I was unhappy.

As I write this, I am sitting in a coffee shop with my mac and three brilliant virtual monitors at 72Hz. I am using it for business and 72Hz is plenty for my purposes. I am a fan of the product overall and think it was well worth the price. That said, the beta software overall isn’t perfect and at last check, even less so for Windows. I do know that the software is intensive, and my battery drain is much faster when using Nebula on the mac.

But… If you’d like me to do so, reply to this message and I can spend more time testing against my anemic Window system and provide more current results.

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Hello Dm

Thanks for the reply, really thats my concern as a windows user and the beta app not providing the experience expected from a ÂŁ400 product.

My PC is a good mid spec with a 12900k and 6800XT however if the Nebula app doesnt work then I dont really see why its worth the price. My main aim was to have the productivity of three screens using nebula. A single 120hz screen (which is basically what it is without Nebula) for ÂŁ400 is not good value when I already have a 32" 165hz monitor.

I mean if anyone can test with a PC and see what its like that would be great but given nobody with a PC other than you has replied it kind of shows that this is mainly a Mac product, plus the fact there is no non beta windows app after how many years.

Thank you

i have an old 4770k 16gbRAM with a 2070super…and windows for nebula works for me, my PC was having issues while i tried running the Nebula for PC…
i should point out… my 2070super has a USB-C port on it… which im able to connect directly to the glasses, and it defaults to a extended screen(with head follow), upon connection…
Nebula for windows triple screen worked for me… however im guessing the little glitches i was getting whilst in Nebula were likely due to the issue i was having prior to testing Nebula for windows…
So basically i was having latency issues prior, which would affect my audio, so i suspect my initial experience with Windows wasnt all too bad… given that my testing with “latency mon” still showed i have a unaddressed issue plaguing my system, Windows is such a PITA when you have had a BSOD

I own a m1 Mac mini 16gb… thank you Jesus!!!.. and that also works well with Nebula
best of both worlds!! you cannot go wrong!