Xreal Light on sale in the official Xreal Store

The Xreal Light are on sale for USD 399 now.
Does this mean that the device is now supported again? If yes, for how long?
Is latest nebula working on it?
Any roadmap for that device?

Im not an official from Xreal.

I don’t think it’s back on supported list because the Air 2 Ultra is coming out and they need to get rid of stock. I do hope that Light will still be compatible for the SDK for a year or two. Apparently when the Ultra comes out is will have a discounted price of 399 for developers (not sure how true it is, think the person might have confused it for the Light discounted price). Ultra has hand tracking and 6dov but not the RGB camera that Light has. Ultra is a lot lighter than the light though.

I am just speculating, but at least this is some sort of answer.

So, basically a paperweight? Kinda hard to believe they would sell an unsupported product. In the name of all who invested into the Lights, I hope they will add support into the new Nebula.

Hi, vlastimirs. The Android Nebula will still support Light, please do not worry about it.

Thank you for the info.