Any update on Nebula for Windows OS?

You siad by the end of this month and thats today. So…???

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I second that. It is December first, what is the latest please. I am on Air2 Pro and could really use nebula for my windows machines. I am in the beta program but the beta does not support Air2 Pro. I love it on my Macs.

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I agree, this has been delayed many times please release nebula for windows now and stop disappointing your customers.

I see that the answer to this topic, from the side of Xreal, is also very difficult, is someone from your company able to answer the above questions? The situation is very embarrassing and it is not honourable on your part not to respond to customers.

To be entirely blunt, you guys need to get this out and make sure it works properly pretty much yesterday. Its been literal months. Windows still isn’t supported. Full Android support is still very limited. New devices are making the Air and Air 2 resolution and FOV specs look very poor by comparison. If Windows support isn’t out very soon, or fails to properly support devices other than Nvidia GPUs (come on, guys), I’m just going to sell this thing in anticipation of the used market dropping out from underneath of it. Time is rapidly running out.

Yes, your prices are better. But a $300 dollar car that can’t get me to work is not a bargain against a $1000 dollar car that can.

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Nebula for windows, ----> coming soon :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Well that then explains why the Beta doesn’t work on my Air 2 Pro…

At least one of my machines seems to fit the rather tight restrictions with a USB-C/Alt-DP port on the RTX 2080ti…

But it fares no better than the other two, when it comes to Nebula.

Clock is ticking, I’ll need return the glasses in a little more than a week to get my money back…

Let’s bet what comes first, Nebula for Windows or Half-Life 3 :wink:

It’s almost the end of this month/year. Let’s see what will happen, if nothing happen, then return it is.

Xreal should really remove the Windows coming soon from the website until it actually has a beta build and not using it as marketing material. I’ve waited 6 months for some type of update on the software. I only bought it for windows. That being said, the glasses themselves didn’t last two months. A hairline fracture began in the plastic ear rest near the folding hinge of the glasses. Which eventually broke completely in two. The build quality in this area is poor and needs improvement. Unfortunately this entire product has been nothing but a waste of time and money. I was hoping for more than novelty.

Happy New Year!! Sooooooooooooooooo??

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There is a new BETA here.

To me the quality gap between Nebula for Android and Nebula for Windows is huge.

And I couldn’t agree more that the state of the software needs to be properly reflected on the Web site.

Or they need to extend the return window until the full product is delivered.

I believe he refers to what I label “washed out text rendering” and that’s something I see also on the Beam and in Nebula for Android, which have otherwise a far smoother refresh on head movement and there is no difference between 60 and 72Hz on those two.

As you move your head from side to side, e.g. with a large zoom to switch from the end of one line to the front of the next, text becomes blurry to the degree where you loose visual orientation and your brain tries valiantly and extra hard to refind the continuation text relative to the text you’ve just finished reading: that effort results in a very tiresome reading experience and makes actual work impractical.

One of the advertised use cases is using the glasses as additional virtual monitors and the very fact that these monitors appear stable in the AR space supports our spatial awareness as to exactly where we are in terms of a visual focus on the different screen, as we switch between apps or documents on physical monitors (or different parts of a huge screen).

But that doesn’t work in AR or VR if the rendering speed isn’t anywhere near the minimal 60Hz or if the content itself becomes blurred and only re-renders clear it hundreds of milliseconds later, which is the case today.

On my RTX4090 tests (the only platform where I’ve been able to get the 90Hz setting to work), the actual refresh on head movement is the same ~10Hz when I turn my head between virtual screens for both settings, 60 and 90 Hz, and the text wash-out is also the same: After turning my head to a new position, it takes hundreds of milliseconds until the text render becomes clear and whole again.

I can’t verfiy without a camera but it would seem as if the screen content was BitBlted while the head moves but in an inexact manner (and too slow for smooth motion) and only once movement stops a final redraw is issued that results again in readable text.

I suppose CAD diagrams would be the same, but that’s not my use case.

Since the wash-out text appears identical on all platforms I tested (Beam, Nebula for Android and Windows), I’m not convinced it can actually be fixed.

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When will a new version be released for Windows. Unfortunately version 0.7.0 does not work with an HDMI to C adapter.
Please create the official download link on the xreal website.

April 2024, you guys just had a significant CES, added new hardware, etc. Any updates for a new Nebula version for Windows? The current Beta 0.7 is kinda useless.

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Xreal eventually accepted my refund demand, in all likelyhood because they accepted that delivery without working software had not been completed and therefore the 30 day return window not openend.

If you believe Nebula is critical to your use of the product, I suggest you do the same and insist on the refund.

I had to cancel as well, after one year still no official windows version.

I don’t get it . 95% off all the pc’s in the world are Windows PC’s, but for some strange reason they focus on the 5% mac users… what a waste.

They limit themselves to 5% of the potential customers …
Same for android: 75% of the mobile devices runs on Android, but they focus only on the 25% apple users.

From a business perspective it makes no sense.

Next week we are June 2024 ands still no windows version… 18 months without an official windows version.

“we will release in the near future”

One year later : “near future” must mean something completely different in china

Based on Nebula Guide, this is the GPU required. NVIDIA RTX 3060 or above (update to latest driver recommended)

I have the GTX1650 and It is not performing well. Do you have any tip to make it work?