Nebula for Macbook with Intel processor

Hey, any news on Intel support?
Really want to extend my work space with virtual displays but for now lack of Intel support prevents me from buying😬

It sounds like the Intel support is coming very soon…

As an engineer myself - I can say that it means little more than nothing (haha). Sounds like it could be from days to months.

Sorry for the delay in the release. The new release date is expected to be 15th of this month.


Hey, how’s planned release for Intell?
Didn’t found any announcements so went here to ask if it’s come out.


It will be released later this month.

any news on this? i just bought xreal air but cant use nebula since im still using intel macbook

Also wondering if there’s any update with this? Have got an XReal Air on order, due to arrive in the next week or so.

My plan, if Nebula wasn’t ready for Intel MacBook, was just to use the XReal Air as a standard USB-C/Thunderbolt display device, but starting to get the impression it won’t exactly be that straightforward…?

The intel version is going to be released this week.


Can’t wait. Especially since my XReal Air is gonna arrive within the next few hours!
Gonna test it as soon as the software is released!

I have an Intel Mac mini late 2014. How should I connect the Xreal air to get nebula to work?

USB A to USB C, hdmi to usb c or mini DisplayPort to usb c?

Or do I need a Mac computer with usb c output?

Hi, thank you so much for the updates.
I am using intel mac pro and just downloaded the latest nebula for mac (Nebula for Mac_0.3.0_943_[2023-07-04-11-35])

However, it seems that nebula doesn’t work on my mac for some reasons.
At first, left side lens and right side lens show different display so that I cannot see the screens properly. Also, selecting 2 screens or 3 screens configuration doesn’t work. Even if I change the config, I already see one desktop screen on xreal air. Also, distance or angle configuration won’t change anything either.
If I miss something for using nebula, please let me know
The firmware version of my xreal is

Hi, according to these two issues, it seems like the Nebula is not running correctly. Please exit the app totally and check if the recording permission, accessory permission are granted. Finally, if the following function is enabled.

Thanks for the quick support. I think ‘displays have separate spaces’ did the trick.
Now, nebula is working fine. thank you so much!

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I’m assuming that nebula for intel mac finally released?

I will need to play with it more, but so far it’s working on intel mac as I expected.

Yes, please go to the website and download it.

For Apple devices, it depends. It currently (7/19/23) works on Intel Macs, iPads, and (theoretically) on iPhones. My experience:

  • Intel MacBook (and presumably all Macs): Works fine as a single 0DOF screen (screen moves with your head). Brightness, contrast and readability are great. The “AR View” (1-3 screens, fixed in space) only works through the Nebula app, and while it technically works, the experience is so jittery as to be unusable for anything serious. Also note that the limited field of view (FOV) means you likely will not see all of the screens at the same time, but rather a “window” that moves over the screens as you rotate your head.

  • iPad: works great as a single tethered display screen. Not particularly useful or impressive as the only real advantage here is you can watch laying down (I have a 12.9" iPad - the view through the glasses is comparable to holding the iPad in front of me). Sound quality is worse than iPad speakers (they have spatial audio) but perfectly acceptable. Nebula doesn’t run on iPads so no multi-screen or “AR Features”

  • iPhone & Nintendo Switch console (via XReal HDMI adapter): I bought the adapter to use with these devices. Doesn’t work at all. On the iPhone this is because the (required) Lightning AV Adaptor is apparently no longer supported as of iOS 16+. I got it working once mirroring the screen, but since then multiple phone restarts and resets of the adapter accomplish nothing. I bought several assorted connectors for the Switch, but none of those work either. It is impossible to update the adapter firmware as the XReal update page is currently broken (pointing to the wrong software update URL apparently).
    My takeaway - the adapter is useless as it’s just a transitional device until the Beam ships.

Note that the about-to-be-released Beam adapter and Nebula update should address many of these issues. The big potential limitation here is it may require an M1 Mac for full (or any) functionality - still unknown. And given the current state of the software, initial releases may be buggy/non-functional.

Hope this helps you make a decision. Note it’s based solely on my experience - yours may differ but this is stuff I wish I knew before buying the Nreal/Xreal Airs.

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Are there any plans to sort out the lagging issue in the Intel MacBooks when using Nebula (specifically the MacBook Pro 16 2019 model i.e. mine :slight_smile: ) ?

It works well for about 2 mins, but then “kernel_task” does it’s usual thing and cripple the machine.

Hi, could you please show me the Activity Monitor when the issue occurs?