Trouble initializing RGB camera (SOLVED: Nebula was power saving mode)

Hey, I’m having issues accessing the RGB camera with the newest version of the preview SDK. I’ve followed the guide and tried running it on multiple NReal Light glasses and phones, so it doesn’t seem to be a hardware issues. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

The nrsensor logs read:

[INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera got false handle, work type = 0
[INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol 0 MATCHED
[INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol load SUCCESS
[INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera initialized
[INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera starting
[FATAL] [NRSensor] Generic Camera find device : No such device (-4)
[ERROR] [NRSensor] Generic Camera start failed

Just to cover all points. Have you disabled power saving mode in Nebula’s settings?

Which version of the NRSDK and Nebula are you using?


It was indeed the power saving mode… I must have missed that setting somehow, sorry for the stupid question.

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Not at all. Glad to help :+1:

Hey, I have the same error, but Power Saver is actually disabled (I get a different error when Power Saver is on).

Any other suggestions?

Hi, is it possible to attach your log too, full log please? Also, your phone mode name and Nebula version, please.

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2022-11-07 10:05:50.465 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.463] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera initializing
2022-11-07 10:05:50.465 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.464] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera got false handle, work type = 0
2022-11-07 10:05:50.465 2742-2775/com.Nreal.Demo I/Unity: [Info][CameraController] Initialize
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
2022-11-07 10:05:50.471 2742-2775/com.Nreal.Demo I/Unity: [Info][CameraController] SetImageFormat : RGB_888
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
2022-11-07 10:05:50.473 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.473] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Camera finds devices itself
2022-11-07 10:05:50.474 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.474] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Camera opened
2022-11-07 10:05:50.474 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.474] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera initialized
2022-11-07 10:05:50.483 2742-2775/com.Nreal.Demo I/Unity: [Info][CameraController] StartCapture begin.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
2022-11-07 10:05:50.630 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.630] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera starting
2022-11-07 10:05:50.905 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.905] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Camera streaming started
2022-11-07 10:05:50.906 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.906] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera started
2022-11-07 10:05:50.910 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.910] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRRGBCamera START!
2022-11-07 10:05:50.915 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.915] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera initializing
2022-11-07 10:05:50.915 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.915] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera got false handle, work type = 0
2022-11-07 10:05:50.916 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.916] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol 0 MATCHED
2022-11-07 10:05:50.917 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.917] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol load SUCCESS
2022-11-07 10:05:50.927 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo A/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.927] [FATAL] [NRSensor] Generic Camera find device : No such device (-4)
2022-11-07 10:05:50.927 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo E/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.927] [ERROR] [NRSensor] Generic Camera init failed
2022-11-07 10:05:50.927 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:50.927] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera init failed, retrying…
2022-11-07 10:05:51.427 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.427] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera got false handle, work type = 0
2022-11-07 10:05:51.428 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.428] [INFO] [NRSensor] Generic Camera exit
2022-11-07 10:05:51.432 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.432] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol load SUCCESS
2022-11-07 10:05:51.445 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo A/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.444] [FATAL] [NRSensor] Generic Camera find device : No such device (-4)
2022-11-07 10:05:51.445 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo E/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.444] [ERROR] [NRSensor] Generic Camera init failed
2022-11-07 10:05:51.445 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.445] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera init failed, retrying…
2022-11-07 10:05:51.945 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.945] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera got false handle, work type = 0
2022-11-07 10:05:51.945 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.945] [INFO] [NRSensor] Generic Camera exit
2022-11-07 10:05:51.947 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.947] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol load SUCCESS
2022-11-07 10:05:51.958 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo A/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.958] [FATAL] [NRSensor] Generic Camera find device : No such device (-4)
2022-11-07 10:05:51.958 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo E/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.958] [ERROR] [NRSensor] Generic Camera init failed
2022-11-07 10:05:51.958 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:51.958] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera init failed, retrying…
2022-11-07 10:05:52.459 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.458] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera got false handle, work type = 0
2022-11-07 10:05:52.459 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.459] [INFO] [NRSensor] Generic Camera exit
2022-11-07 10:05:52.464 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.464] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera protocol load SUCCESS
2022-11-07 10:05:52.477 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo A/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.477] [FATAL] [NRSensor] Generic Camera find device : No such device (-4)
2022-11-07 10:05:52.477 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo E/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.477] [ERROR] [NRSensor] Generic Camera init failed
2022-11-07 10:05:52.477 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.477] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera initialized
2022-11-07 10:05:52.477 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.477] [INFO] [NRSensor] RGB Camera starting
2022-11-07 10:05:52.477 2742-3149/com.Nreal.Demo E/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.477] [ERROR] [NRSensor] Generic Camera start failed
2022-11-07 10:05:52.478 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:05:52.477] [INFO] [NRSDK] NRRGBCamera RUN!
2022-11-07 10:05:52.482 2742-2775/com.Nreal.Demo I/Unity: [Info][CameraController] StartCapture end.
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
2022-11-07 10:05:52.759 2742-2775/com.Nreal.Demo E/Unity: [Error][NRSessionManager] Kernal error:[NativeCamera] StartCapture: Can not find the rgb camera device error!
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
2022-11-07 10:07:21.168 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:07:21.168] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera stopping
2022-11-07 10:07:21.173 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:07:21.173] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Camera stopped streaming
2022-11-07 10:07:21.202 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:07:21.202] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Camera closed
2022-11-07 10:07:21.203 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:07:21.202] [INFO] [NRSDK] Generic Camera exit
2022-11-07 10:07:21.203 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:07:21.202] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera stopped
2022-11-07 10:07:21.227 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:07:21.226] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera releasing
2022-11-07 10:07:21.227 2742-2905/com.Nreal.Demo I/NREAL: [2022-11-07 10:07:21.226] [INFO] [NRSDK] Camera released

I use Dev kit,and the version of kit is:SDM845-202008041140-472
the version of glasses is:nreal-light
sdk version is:NR_SDK_1.7.0

hi, have you got a solution? I stuck in this issue for a few days :joy:

I got the silmiar issue with Cannot use rgb camera to take photots in NRSDK rgb-camera demo - NRSDK - XREAL Community Forum.
And the Nebula power saving mode is off.
Is there some updates for this issue?